Kai Dardanus Character in The Sol System | World Anvil
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Kai Dardanus

Kai Dardanus is a beautiful young woman barely out of her teens, who has had nearly everything she wanted all her life except for genuine affection and freedom of choice. Herlife was defined by her family’s business and curtailed by her family’s expectations, so much so that Kai took her first opportunity to leave home and strike out on her own. She was quick to exploit what she had: her looks, her sensual nature, and her intuitive gift for saying and doing the right things around people. At first, Kai thought snagging Orn Aquilo was the answer to her problems, but now she just finds herself trapped in a different sort of cage than the one she left behind and she wants out. Kai’s goals are survival and escape from Aquilo and Ganymede, in that order, and she’ll do whatever is necessary to achieve them. The player characters offered a potential way off the station, which is of interest, but they also work for Kai’s family, and she refuses to go back home. If she can cut some kind of a deal with them that gets her what she wants, she’ll do it, but the crew shouldn’t be foolish enough to trust her too far; if their goals are at cross-purposes, Kai will sell them out in a moment to get what she needs. She’s definitely not above using her looks and her considerable social skills to charm or seduce potential allies.  

The Sommelier Crew

  After being "rescued" by the crew of the Sommelier, Kai was shipped back off to her parents. Theo Dardanus was thankful that the crew returned his daughter to him, and offered to pay off the remainder of their debt on the Sommelier. Kai, however, was less thrilled about being returned to a controlling family and wouldn't hesitate to get revenge on the crew if they ever happen to run into her again.


Theo Dardanus


Towards Kai Dardanus


Kai Dardanus


Towards Theo Dardanus


Orn Aquilo


Towards Kai Dardanus


Kai Dardanus


Towards Orn Aquilo


Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
2340 CE 18 Years old

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