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The Shattered Rim

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Astral jellyfish wink rainbows as Helios' light filters through them. Your bones ache and you guess that before waning is done a dust storm will rage across your asteroidal islande. A smile tickles your lips as you imagine the starwhales dancing in the crystalline shards, kissing helios light with their tales before diving back into the waves of torrential sound and quartz razor death. It is a harrowing experience to ride a storm, but you love watching them from afar, listening to the starwhales music propel the undulating crystalline grace across the stars.
This is the Shattered Rim. An archipelago of asteroidal islandes crushed from the corpse of a planet long forgotten.

What is this tool?

This is a library of knowledge on the Pharrian region of the Shattered Rim. The World Codex below can be clicked to display various subcategories and articles. Certain articles are hidden and can be "discovered" during campaign gameplay. There is also a map of Pharr below that you can click through and explore.    

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