New to the Shattered Rim in The Shattered Rim | World Anvil
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New to the Shattered Rim

What is the Shattered Rim?

  Long ago a planet was shattered in a forgotten cataclysm. The result was an archipelago of asteroidal islandes that float through time and space connected by invisible forces. While the "Rim" is vast, the only known populated region is called Pharr.  

How did life begin in Pharr?

  Little is known about the origin of life in the Shattered Rim, but stories tell of Helios, the Mother, gazing on a mushroom tree spore until it grew big and strong. This was Jadin the Great Tree, who lives inside all beings. Helios smiled at Jadin with so much love that the tree wanted to give Helios a gift to show her gratitude. The Great Tree toiled until she created the first pure quartz krystal, a sign of her affection for Helios. She gave Helios the krystal and she wept, for this was the first gift she had ever been given. Helios' tears rained down on the islandes and out of them grew all kinds of plants and animals and even people.  

How do people survive?

  Foci majic is what allows people to breathe in space, stay warm, and produce their own vitamins and minerals. In order to use their foci people must burn solaer, an energy they can store inside their body which can be absorbed from Helios rays or by consuming other living things.  

Is there government?

  Civilization has structured itself many different ways over the kilocycles. Historically, Pharr is made up of various islande nations or city-states that have traded, fought, and created alliances. In the current Epoch of the Violet Court most islande nations have combined under the banner of The Followers to create an era of peace and bountiful trade. However, the alliance is voluntary and any nation may leave whenever they choose.

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