Tanner Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Tanners prepare the leather and hide of Doskvol for craftsmen. Without the tanner, most of the underworld of Dosvol would have a few extra scars and a few fewer friends.
Prestige: Tanners are not held in high esteem. In fact, it is a safe bet that no tanners ply their trade by choice. That said, the unxious, gruesome, and exhausting nature of their work also make most people avoid them.
Accoutrement: Tanners will have long sharp blades for shaving hides, many noxious chemicals for treating them, racks for stretching them, and usually plenty of fragrant perfumes that do very little to mask the odor of death and chemicals.
Training: No one trains to be a tanner. Someone made them do it. That someone either died leaving the burden with them or is still watching to make sure they keep producing.


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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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