Ropemaker Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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A ropemaker braids and twists the fibers that every citizen of Doskvol relies on every day. With plenty of things that need tied up or climbed, ropemaking is a fairly lucrative business.
Prestige: Ropemakers typically earn a reputation for the quality of their wares. As a result, the ropemakers that have survived over the years are often trusted and respected members of the community.
Accoutrement: A rope twisting jig is typical. Plenty of varieties of fiber and twine are usually at hand for the ropemaker. Ropemakers are usually festidious individuals, and will be expected to have a depth of knowledge about their field.
Training: The ropemaker will usually ply their trade as an assistant and inherit their owners shop. A scant few will set out on their own. Fewer still will learn the trade without aid. But, every one is known for the quality of their wares.


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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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