Ghost Field Geographic Location in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Ghost Field

You might explore the echo of an ancient building, crumbled to dust in the real world, but still present in the ghost field; or discern the electroplasmic glow of treasures lost in the depths of the canals; or use a sorcerous ghost door from the pre-cataclysm to infiltrate an otherwise secure location; etc. The GM will tell you what echoes persist nearby when you gather information about them. You might also undertake investigations to discover particular echoes you hope to find. [1]: 118
The “ghost field” is somewhat ambiguous, by design. It’s the energy contained within the lightning barrier of the city, the echoes of events in the recent past, and the medium in which spirits exist. It’s a dangerous and strange element that should never feel safe or tame. To Attune is to connect to a crackling source of power that can easily snap out of control.
When you Attune to the ghost field you can see echoes of recent events or sense things beyond sight (the Whisper's fine spirit mask allows them to see even more detail).
Any PC can Attune. It’s not a supernatural gift. The ghost field is always there, just at the edge of the mind, ready for a connection. [1]: 170
Duskwall runs on electroplasm. It is the distilled essence of the ghost field, rendered from demon blood. [1]: 200
In addition, every living thing in the Shattered Isles has evolved a sensitivity to the invisible “other world” that presses always against the edges of perception—the strange dimension that erupted during the cataclysm, known as the ghost field. By focusing their mind in a certain way, a human can attune to the ghost field to perceive partially into it, to sense the echoes of real-world events captured in the field, or to make a connection to ghosts and spectral energy.
Some people see attunement as a normal part of life—a new human sense that is natural and advantageous. Others see attunement as a vile act, connecting with the dark forces that once destroyed the world, and who still lurk in the shadows, always ready to prey upon the unwary or power-hungry.
One thing is certain, the broken world will never be made whole again. The black void of the skies and seas, the psychic pressure of the ghost field, and the machinations of demons and cultists are now the way of things. Better to understand these strange forces than to be consumed by them. [1]: 209
Unlike humans, demons are not echoed in the ghost field—their blood contains electroplasmic essence, which gives them eternal life. [1]: 212
The quality of the various Plasms which result from the disparate processing techniques at large in the modern usage is often uneven, burning at different rates or with different amounts of “static” within (as Professor Gallo calls it) the “Ghost Field.” Static is, at best, distressing to the psyche of those in close proximity, and, at worst, a general safety hazard due to manifestations and emanations. Often they take the form of simple “spirit-echoes,” but some believe in entities of a darker nature which supposedly evidence an otherworldly intelligence and will. To call the manifestations “demonic” is to entertain the fantasies of ages past. As a woman of Science I reject such absurd notions. [1]: 242
Radiant plants and animals must be disposed of by burning, as a human corpse would be, or their electroplasmic energy can cause problems in the Ghost Field. [1]: 247
The electroplasmic furnaces of Bellweather Crematorium burn night and day to properly dispose of all corpses recovered by the Spirit Wardens. The arcane dissolution destroys the spirit utterly, removing its echo from the ghost field and neutralizing the threat from a vengeful spirit. Echoes are “loops” of behavior captured in the ghost field, repeating over and over. They have no will of their own, but are still dangerous because of the electrical discharge of their plasmic forms. They sometimes spontaneously manifest at the site of an extremely violent event, whether or not death was involved. Horrors are non-human electroplasmic entities that live within the ghost field. They’re very rare within the city, but are common in the deathlands beyond the lightning barriers. [1]: 252

[1] Harper, J., Acimovic, S., Nitter, S., Arden, V., Figueroa, D., Green, D., Nittner, D., & Shields, A. (2017). Blades in the Dark (v8.2). Evil Hat Productions.


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