Banker Profession in The Shattered Isles | World Anvil
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Bankers lend and keep the money in Doskvol. Bankers are universally greedy and ruthless. Evictions and reposessions are executed with little to no warning and usually as soon as is legally permissible.
Prestige: Bankers vie with lawyers for the honor of being the most reviled profession. People hate them for their preying on the poor, and the elites hate them for their penny pinching nature.
Accoutrement: Bankers have money and property. Lots of it.
Training: Bankers usually start out as children of bankers. Very few actually have to learn the trade by starting out as a clerk. Typically, those who had to claw and scrape to get to where they are are more ruthless.


Next: Barber
Prev: Baker
Category: Professions

Financial / Trade

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Cover image: Default Banner by John Harper


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