Lagashian Sorcerers Organization in The Shadows Uprising | World Anvil

Lagashian Sorcerers

The Sorcerers of Lagash were a noble and ancient group of magic-wielding protectors dedicated to safeguarding the last human city free from the malevolent demon Memoc's control. Their beliefs centered around the idea that magic and its knowledge were powerful tools that could be utilized for the betterment of mankind and the protection of Lagash.
To become a member of this esteemed group, initiates had to take a solemn vow of celibacy. This decision was rooted in the understanding that the practice of magic could significantly slow down their aging process, effectively granting them immortality or an extended lifespan. Taking a wife or having children during this time was viewed as selfish, as it would divert their attention and time away from honing their magical abilities and fulfilling their duty as protectors of Lagash.   The sorcerers saw their extended lifespans as an invaluable opportunity to devote themselves entirely to mastering their magical arts and acquiring knowledge that would ultimately benefit the people of Lagash. By focusing on their training and the betterment of their magical skills, they could serve as powerful defenders and guardians of their city and its inhabitants, ensuring their safety and prosperity.   The noble principles upheld by the Sorcerers of Lagash highlighted their selfless dedication to using their magic for the greater good and the protection of humanity. Their adherence to celibacy and their unwavering commitment to their duties as protectors made them an influential and revered force, standing as a beacon of hope and resilience against the dark forces that sought to subjugate their world.


Grand Master

At the pinnacle of the hierarchy was the Grand Master, the most experienced and powerful sorcerer of the order. This individual held ultimate authority, guiding the direction and decisions of the organization.


The Masters were highly skilled and accomplished sorcerers responsible for training and mentoring the younger members. Each Master specialized in a particular field of magic, such as healing, combat, divination, or elemental manipulation.


Initiates who displayed a natural affinity for magic were chosen as Apprentices. They received training under the guidance of the Masters and embarked on a rigorous path to master their magical abilities.


Mystical Traditions

Magical practices were woven into the very fabric of their society. The sorcerers studied ancient scrolls, inscribed with arcane symbols, and carried on ancient mystical traditions passed down through generations.

Divine Connections

They revered a pantheon of powerful deities, each associated with various aspects of life and nature. The sorcerers saw themselves as intermediaries between the mortal realm and these divine beings, seeking favor and guidance through rituals and offerings.

Ceremonial Temples

Grand temples stood as centers of magical power, where the sorcerers performed sacred rituals and incantations. These awe-inspiring structures served as focal points of spiritual and magical energy.

Ancestral Wisdom

The sorcerers venerated their ancestors and believed in their continued presence in the spirit world. Ancestral wisdom and guidance played an integral role in their magical practices.

Cosmic Order

The sorcerers believed in maintaining cosmic harmony between the earthly realm and the spiritual planes. Aligning their actions with the cosmic order was essential for protecting Lagash and ensuring its prosperity.

Initiates and Apprenticeship

Young individuals with innate magical abilities were chosen as initiates. Under the guidance of experienced sorcerers, they underwent apprenticeship, learning the ancient secrets of their craft.

Ritualistic Divination

Divination practices played a crucial role in their culture. They interpreted omens, celestial events, and dreams to gain insights into the future and make decisions for the city's welfare.

Duty and Sacrifice

The sorcerers understood the weight of their responsibility as protectors of Lagash. They willingly made sacrifices, including celibacy, to dedicate their magicaly extended lives entirely to the pursuit of knowledge, magic, and the safety of their city and it's people.

Public Agenda

Guardians of Peace

The sorcerers publicly portrayed themselves as devoted guardians of peace and protectors of Lagash. They were renowned for using their magical abilities to safeguard the city from external threats, including demonic incursions and other supernatural dangers.

Advisors to Rulers

Due to their extensive knowledge and mystical insights, the sorcerers were sought after as trusted advisors by the rulers of Lagash. They offered counsel on matters of governance, divine will, and decisions crucial to the well-being of the city.

Healing and Medicine

The Sorcerers of Lagash were known to possess profound healing abilities. In times of illness or injury, they offered their services to aid the citizens, employing magical remedies alongside traditional herbal medicine to alleviate suffering.

Prosperity and Harvest

The sorcerers claimed a connection to the divine forces responsible for the fertility of the land and bountiful harvests. They conducted rituals and ceremonies to ensure agricultural prosperity, which contributed to the city's welfare.

Celebrating Festivals

During city-wide festivals and religious celebrations, the sorcerers participated in grand ceremonies, showcasing their magical prowess and invoking blessings upon the people of Lagash.

Education Centers

They established centers of learning, where they imparted wisdom, knowledge, and various magical disciplines to select individuals, including apprentices and those with potential magical talents.

Community Welfare

The sorcerers presented themselves as champions of the people, actively engaging in community welfare projects. They provided assistance to the less fortunate, helping to rebuild homes after natural disasters, and supporting the city during times of crisis.

Cultural Preservation

As protectors of Lagash's heritage, the sorcerers took on the role of preserving cultural and historical artifacts. They guarded ancient scrolls and sacred relics, ensuring that the city's rich history remained intact.

Upholding Tradition

The sorcerers were staunch upholders of tradition and the preservation of ancient mystical practices. They ensured that magical knowledge was passed down through generations, guarding the city against the loss of sacred wisdom.


The Sorcerers of Lagash valiantly defending the city against supernatural threats, during this time, Richard Richardson emerged as a highly skilled and powerful sorcerer. When Zen and his liberated slave army confronted the malevolent demon Memoc outside of Lagash, many of the master Lagashian Sorcerers, including some of Richardson's peers, joined the battle. Richardson was tasked to stay behind and safeguard the city, taking on the responsibility of protecting the young and inexperienced Sorcerers that weren't ready for war.   While Zen and his forces emerged victorious, the Battle of Lagash came at a great cost. Many of the Sorcerers fell, losing their lives in the fight against Memoc. With the city weakened, Raahomon, the half-demon son of Memoc, seized control of the remnants of Memoc's army and swiftly conquered Lagash, subjecting its inhabitants to a cruel and oppressive rule.
Realizing the necessity of secrecy and strategic operations, Richardson took the remaining young Sorcerers underground, reforming the group into a new entity known as "The Benefactors." Operating entirely in the shadows, they covertly aided the people of Lagash during Raahomon's tyrannical reign, providing protection, healing, and support to those most in need.   Despite the oppressive rule, the spirit of resistance remained strong among the people of Lagash. Eventually, The Benefactors, led by Richardson, mustered their strength and rose up against Raahomon. In a fierce and intense battle, they managed to defeat him, forcing him to flee the city. However, Raahomon's act of vengeance was devastating, as he unleashed a powerful spell that buried Lagash under the unforgiving desert sands, claiming the lives of nearly everyone.   Richardson and a small group of surviving Sorcerers narrowly escaped the city's destruction. Swearing to uphold the principles of the original Lagashian sorcerers, they formed a solemn pact to continue their mission in secret. The era of the Lagashian Sorcerers came to an end, but The Benefactors emerged as a new force, carrying forward the legacy of protection, wisdom, and selflessness.   From that moment on, The Benefactors, with Richard Richardson at the helm, dedicated themselves to aiding humanity from the shadows, ensuring that the magical knowledge and protective legacy of the Sorcerers of Lagash endured. They became an enigmatic and revered group, carrying out their mission throughout the ages, silently guarding the world against the darkness that lurked beyond mortal perception.

"Balance in Power, Wisdom in Magic."

Education, Magic
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