The Bridge of Kulianr Geographic Location in The Seven Quäenaï | World Anvil
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The Bridge of Kulianr

The Bridge of Kulianr, known to the Dwarves as Vagarthos, to the Men as Adumar, to the dragons as Audharon, to the Nylwethí as Ladonandinlai, and to the Tiurï occasionally as Éretor, is the space that links the Quäenaï together. Without it, they would be completely separate, inaccessible from each other. All of the Quäenaï are accessible from Éretor via giant stargates that could allow a fully grown dragon to pass through.  

The Legends

Each race has their legends about Éretor, and if one were to listen to a Dwarf talking about Vagarthos and to a dragon talking about Audharon, one would think they were talking about two completely different locations.  

The Dwarves

The Dwarves view Vagarthos as a place of judgement, where the worthy will eventually pass on into Vargenheim, while the weak will enter Garzenrakz (Vargenheim is the name of the Dwarven heaven, while Garzenrakz, meaning Eight Hells, is the opposite).  

The Men

Men have little to no legends about Adumar, depending on their culture. Little is universally acknowledged to be fact, courtesy of Men being the only race to have many different religions, cultures, and beliefs (this in turn is caused by the fecund nature of Men). One of the few culturally independent beliefs about Adumar is that it is a place where the gods punish those who have displeased them.  

The Dragons

The dragons believe that Audharon is the dwelling place of the Dhauron, the multiversal guard that protects the Quaënaï. They revere Audharon, and even when a dragon gets the chance to travel to Audharon, they refuse on the grounds that no dragon may tarnish its sacred grounds.  

The Nylwethí

To understand the Nylwethí's view of Ladonandinlai, one must first understand their belief system. Most Nylwethí believe that the world is influenced by two forces: the l'da and the l'di, which cause good things and bad things. The l'da is a force of good that resides in all good people, while the l'di is what causes evil people to be evil. The Nylwethí believe that Ladonandinlai is the origin point of the l'da, and as such revere it almost beyond the residence of what gods they believe in.  

The Tiurï

The Tiurï, as the creators of Éretor, know it as well as any being could, as Éretor is ever-changing, almost as if it is a living thing. The Tiurï avoid Éretor, as the chances of them encountering one of the Mortals is too high as to be considered akin to visiting Earth.  


Éretor appears differently to every individual who enters it. Some have described it as a vast, circular room made of stone, with a lancet door leading to each of the Quäenaï. Others have seen it as a giant lotus with seven petals, each supporting one of the Quaënaï. One hermit described it as a crystal with seven identical faces floating in a void, each face leading to one of the Quäenaï. The descriptions are numerous, and to write them all down here would take many years. Instead, I will provide you with these three and let your imagination run wild as to the rest.
Dimensional, Pocket

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