Tamarians Species in The Second Creation | World Anvil
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The Terrors of the Caig

The Tamarians are a sapient race native to Tareolis. They are known for their large frames and generally cruel demeanor. Massive, imposing, destructive, terrifying, these are just some of the words used to describe the Tamarian race. Tamarians are large insect-born humanoids who share a common ancestor with the now extinct Temar insectoids.  

Strength Without Mercy

Their sometimes cruel and often selfish ways would often lead them to attack and hunt other races for sport, most notably Saphedron as they have diametrically opposing views on the nature of consumption. However, due to the fact that Tamarians prefer to live in more extreme hot climates, they had rarely left the comfort of their homeland before the founding of Mas'Teiel.

Basic Information


Imposingly large, coming in at an average of 8 feet tall. While humanoid in nature, their appendages are massive when compared to most other sapient races. Their skull size comes in at about 35-40 inches in circumference, allowing for normally traumatizing blows to be rendered useless against them.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce much like most insects, a male will inseminate a pile of eggs a female will lay upon being courted in heat.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Tamarians are a fairly conservative race when it comes to food, and can live for up to a few weeks without either due a combination of their unique anatomy storing excess nutrients and the amount of sustenance they can obtain from converting the contents of large mineral deposits into usable energy. Their throats contain bladed organs that reduce the hard minerals into dust and their digestive track converts the base elements into nutrients using water as a base. As a result of this process, Tamarians require an excess amount of water to be able to adequately digest and help power their multiple complex body systems.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A Tamarian rarely develops eyesight that is as effective as most humanoids, however they make up for this in minor tremor-sense that helps them in their native region; as they often are born within large cave systems. As a result of their tremor-sense they also tend to have heightened hearing.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Tamarians believe in survival of the fittest beyond all other ideals. They have shaped their way of life based on their need to fight for the right to live right at child birth, among hundreds of other hatchlings also fighting to live. Tamarians revel in battle with each other as well as hunting other species for sport; much of their traditions and holidays revolve around these temptations.
Scientific Name
Tamara Sapiens
20-60 years
Average Height
7 - 9 feet
Average Weight
450 - 600 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Tamarians have carapace that can change color depending on their climate. They change their color to various degrees of blue from their native gray in accordance to how cold the temperature averages in their birth region.

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Ability Score Increase +2 Str, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 25ft.




Tamarians speak a mix of Tar'Zehn and Uushal. Tar'Zehn is their native tongue, consisting of syllables mostly pronounced with gutteral sounds from the throat assisted by their bladed esophagus. Uushal is a coarse language consisting of a lot of hard R and G noises; it is the native language of the now extinct Fraa'sh race.  

Menacing Presence

Between their sheer size and their generally frightful appearance, Tamarians are naturally proficient in Intimidation.  

Mating Ritual

Tamarians have a very specific mate, that being a Queen. As such, other races are unlikely to have any sort of attractive qualities to a Tamarian. They have immunity to all charm effects from other races, magical or otherwise.  

Towering Frame

Being one of the largest sapient species carries with it some unique advantages, as well as disadvantages. Tamarians are considered large size when carrying, pushing, lifting, dragging, riding and grappling. However, because of their height their ability to blend into surroundings is hampered unless in their native territory; They gain disadvantage on Stealth-based skill rolls unless they are traveling in the mountains or inside of a cave.  


Tamarians have a higher amount of upper-body strength as a result of their usual upbringing. Their natural unarmed attack damage die is a d6.  

Cave Sight

The eyesight of a Tamarian does not reach the heights of a Karefray, despite the similar living conditions. To compensate, the Tamarian species evolved with a sense of Blindsight. They are able to sense the tremors of moving objects for up to 30ft. even if they are unable to see them due to darkness or invisibility.


  • Common
  • Tar'Zehn
  • Uushal


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