Zariel, Archdevil of Avernus Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Zariel, Archdevil of Avernus

Zariel's Character Traits:   Zariel was known as a warmonger consumed by an obsession with battle. She lived for combat and judged others based on their combat skills and their willingness to use them. She highly valued zealous fury and discipline, leading her troops into battle herself with unyielding determination. Her relentless pursuit of victory often left destruction in her wake, as she carved a path of war. Despite her formidable combat abilities and those of her forces, it was evident that Zariel's approach was reckless and impulsive. She relied on her troops' berserker rage and her own determination to secure her victories.   As her behavior became more aligned with that of her infernal peers, Zariel transformed into a cruel being who inflicted psychological torment on her enemies. Those who displeased her faced terrible fates. Her once virtuous sense of justice twisted into vengeance-fueled rage. She grew distrustful, engaging in intricate schemes and making binding contracts to hold individuals in servitude. Although she had previously represented blind justice, her decisions became tainted by her emotions, particularly her anger. Zariel held onto grudges for decades, refusing to forgive even after being wronged.   Flaws:   “Yeenoghu slaughtered those I swore to protect. I can stop him and others like him. I might have to give up all I stand for, but I could stem the tide of chaos and save many lives from the demonic terrors of the Abyss. Were you in my place, would you risk it all to save others?” — A vision of Zariel from Lulu's memory   Zariel was infamous for her fiery temper, struggling with emotional control that hindered her rational and pragmatic decision-making. She had no interest in political maneuvering and often charged into perilous situations fueled by her righteous anger. This impulsive approach contrasted with the calculated tactics of Bel, who acknowledged the limitations of facing the infinite demon horde and aimed for strategic stalemates. Despite her cynicism, Zariel retained her idealism, believing that mortals could withstand Avernus. However, many mortals fled in fear from the terrifying fiends.   Avernus was a place of corruption, preying on flaws like hubris, which frequently affected angels like Zariel. Her sense of infallibility was intensified by her perception of righteousness. Asmodeus praised her conviction, but it was her unwavering rage that led to her downfall. Her zealous determination to fight blinded her to her own principles, and she was willing to sacrifice innocent lives she had sworn to protect to eradicate the demonic threat.   Hope:   Zariel's pride and wrath had their limits, and the weight of her responsibilities took a toll on her. Confronting the memories of her losses to achieve her desire for battle brought sorrow. She hesitated to destroy reminders of her past, despite considering herself a cosmic martyr. Though she struggled with her flaws, her belief in the overall righteousness of her actions could still be challenged, potentially allowing her dormant goodness to resurface once again.
Lawful Evil
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