Cult of the Infernal Vanguard Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of the Infernal Vanguard

Cult of the Infernal Vanguard



The Cult of the Infernal Vanguard is a secretive and zealous religious organization dedicated to the worship of Zariel, the Fallen Angel. Founded on the belief that Zariel's fiery might and unwavering determination exemplify the true path of power, the cult's followers seek to emulate her traits and spread her influence throughout the world.  

Beliefs and Practices

The cult believes that Zariel's transformation from angel to fiend represents a divine ascension, a rebirth that elevated her to a higher form of existence. They view her fall from grace as a conscious choice to embrace her true nature, shedding the constraints of mercy and compassion. Followers are taught that by embracing their own inner infernal flames, they can achieve power beyond mortal limits.   Worship within the Cult of the Infernal Vanguard centers around rituals involving fire and battle. Devotees are encouraged to face their fears and engage in physical combat, as these acts symbolize their willingness to embrace the chaotic nature of the infernal realms. Bonfires are lit during ceremonies, symbolizing Zariel's fiery might and the eternal flames of her passion.  


The cult is led by a group of high-ranking members known as the "Flamebound Council." These individuals are believed to be touched by Zariel's essence, possessing an innate connection to her power. They oversee the cult's activities, interpret Zariel's teachings, and lead rituals and ceremonies.   Below the Flamebound Council are various ranks, each associated with a particular aspect of Zariel's persona. Initiates, known as "Embers," are new members who undergo rigorous training to prove their dedication. As they progress, they are granted titles such as "Infernal Sentinels" or "Burning Reapers," indicating their growing affinity with Zariel's influence.  

Influence and Goals

The cult seeks to expand Zariel's influence in the world, believing that by spreading her teachings, they can help usher in an era of power and dominance. Their goals include:   1. Establishing hidden shrines and temples dedicated to Zariel in remote locations. 2. Recruiting new followers and training them in the cult's beliefs and practices. 3. Uniting disparate factions under Zariel's banner to create a formidable force. 4. Acquiring artifacts and relics associated with Zariel to strengthen their connection to her power. 5. Fomenting chaos and strife to create opportunities for the cult to rise in influence.  

Relations with Other Factions

The cult's radical beliefs and aggressive methods often lead to conflicts with established religious orders, governments, and other factions. They view traditional religious institutions as weak and misguided, believing that Zariel's path is the only true path to power. As a result, they are often hunted and persecuted by those who oppose their ideology.  


The Cult of the Infernal Vanguard is a fanatical group that sees Zariel's transformation as a beacon of strength and opportunity. Their zealous devotion to her cause drives them to take extreme measures in pursuit of their goals, leaving a trail of chaos and destruction in their wake. Whether they are misguided zealots or true conduits of Zariel's power is a matter of perspective, but their influence cannot be ignored in a world where the line between angel and fiend has blurred.
Religious, Cult