Lliira, Goddess of Joy Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Lliira, Goddess of Joy (leer-a)

Lliira, Goddess of Joy and Revelry

  Few things were sufficient to bring down Lliira's joyful revelry as she went about enjoying life without a care in the world, remaining somewhat detached from everyday events. She had a flair for performance, but was neither ambitious nor greedy, willing to resist temptation and abstain from power out of loyalty and respect for promises made.   Lliira could not, however, tolerate violence or ill feelings, especially at celebrations, and was known to withhold her blessing from revels marred by it. A sword drawn in anything but ceremony was enough to drive her away, and she would simply leave if combat broke out. She herself refused to do harm to others unless absolutely necessary, though she did not consider certain methods of dealing with problematic people to be hurting them. She was willing to temporarily transform or transport others somewhere else, and likewise would personally pull pranks (such as replacing wine with sour milk) either as a joke or to get back at those who insulted her.
Chaotic Good
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