Helm, God of Protection Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Helm, God of Protection

Helm, the Eternal Sentry



Helm, an ancient and revered deity, is known as the Eternal Sentry among the inhabitants of the Realms. Clad in an imposing suit of armor symbolizing the weight of his heavy responsibilities, Helm stands steadfast as the guardian of law and order. Despite the burden he bears, Helm carries out his duties with unwavering dedication and without complaint, earning admiration and reassurance from the people he watches over.  

The Eternal Guardian

Helm's role as the eternal sentry embodies his unwavering commitment to upholding law and protecting the realms. Ever vigilant, he ensures that order and justice prevail, making him a pillar of stability in times of chaos. His imposing armor serves as a symbol of his steadfast resolve and his readiness to face any threat that may arise.  

A Benevolent Watcher

Despite his stern appearance, Helm possesses a softer side, particularly when it comes to children. Known for his fondness for the young ones, Helm is quick to forgive their minor transgressions, recognizing the innocence and potential for growth in the hearts of the youth.  

Admiration and Reassurance

The people of the Realms hold Helm in high regard, finding solace in the presence of this humble and dependable god. His enduring commitment to his duty and his compassion towards the innocent instill a sense of reassurance among the populace, knowing that Helm stands as an unwavering protector against the tides of disorder.  


Helm, the Eternal Sentry, remains a revered figure in the pantheon of the Realms. His unwavering dedication to maintaining law and order, coupled with his benevolent nature towards children, makes him a unique and respected deity among the divine. As long as chaos threatens to encroach upon the lands, Helm will remain ever watchful, ready to shield the realms from harm.
Lawful Neutral
Aligned Organization
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