Cult of Helm Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Helm

The Faith of Helm

  In the realms prior to the cataclysmic Time of Troubles, the followers of Helm, known as Helmites, were esteemed for their unwavering dedication and noble purpose. Highly respected, they held a revered place in the frontiers of the North and beyond. Throughout the divine crisis and beyond, the Helmites remained true to their calling, pledging to defend and protect those who sought their aid.   The Helmites were easily recognizable by their polished full suits of armor, often imbued with magical properties such as the everbright enchantment, which ensured their armor was always shining brightly. Plumed helmets adorned their heads, adding to their imposing presence as vigilant guardians of law and order. Their hierarchy was structured and militaristic, organized into specific groups, including the Vigilant Eyes of the God, an order of valiant paladins. At the helm of the church once stood the Supreme Watcher, a single pontiff who acted as the head of the faith. However, this position had remained vacant since 992 DR, leaving the faith without a singular leader.   The influence of the faith of Helm extended across various regions of the realms, with a significant presence in Cormyr, the Dragon Coast, Tethyr, the Vilhon Reach, and the Western Heartlands. In these lands, the Helmites found ample support and admiration for their commitment to justice, protection, and the preservation of order.   Though the Time of Troubles brought tumultuous change to the realms, the faith of Helm endured, and its Helmites continued to uphold their sacred duty, embracing their role as unyielding sentinels of peace and guardians of the innocent. The legacy of Helm's faithful endures, leaving an indelible mark on the realms and inspiring generations to follow the path of unwavering dedication and honor.
Religious, Cult
Notable Members