Gond, God of Craft Character in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Gond, God of Craft

Gond, the Wonderbringer


A Divine Personality of Innovation

The divine persona of the Wonderbringer, Gond, is as diverse as his unyielding passion for innovation. He displays moments of discipline and methodical thinking, but can just as easily become captivated by distractions. Insightful and accommodating at times, he can also be sardonic or condescending.  

A Creator of Realized Concepts

Gond's primary concern is to bring theoretical concepts and schematics to life. He cares little for the complications or challenges that may arise from his creations. Willing to accept commissions from unscrupulous patrons, he seeks substantial compensation and the freedom to explore novel and groundbreaking devices.  

Embracing Magic for Invention

Contrary to misconceptions, Gond is not against magic. Instead, he views magic as another tool to craft new inventions, further fueling his drive for innovation. Magic and invention go hand in hand in the realm of Gond.
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