Cult of Gond Organization in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Cult of Gond

Spread of Gond's Faith in the Realms


Lantan - The Island Nation of Innovation

Up until the late 14th century DR, the primary center of Gond worship in the realms was the island nation of Lantan. The Lantanese embraced their worship of Gond and carried it to the Sword Coast of Faerûn, with Waterdeep becoming a significant hub for their inventions. The Gondar clergy played a crucial role in the rise of Waterdhavian mercantilism, contributing to the city's prosperity and advancements.

Influence Across the Sword Coast

Gond's influence spread further along the Sword Coast, leaving its mark on notable cities like Baldur's Gate. The Church of Gond led civic projects in Baldur's Gate, and their devices became an integral part of daily life in the city.

Reaching Inland Cities

Beyond the coastal regions, the faith of Gond extended to inland cities as well. Places like Tilverton in Cormyr, Essembra in the Dalelands, and Ravens Bluff in Vesperin embraced Gond's religion, appreciating the ingenuity and creativity of the Wonderbringer.

Gond's Faith in Far-Off Lands

Gond's reach transcended continents, as his religion found a place even in distant lands. The magocratic realm of Thay in the Unapproachable East recognized the Wonderbringer's influence. Furthermore, a community of gnomes dwelling on a solitary isle within the Yal Tengri sea held Gond's faith close to their hearts.

Gond as Nebelun the Meddler

Among the gnomish pantheon, Gond was accepted as Nebelun the Meddler. While some groups believed Nebelun to be a separate deity, it was understood that Nebelun and Gond were indeed distinct entities, each with their own unique aspects and spheres of influence.
Notable Members