Corvus the Crow in The Sea of Stars | World Anvil

Corvus the Crow




  Corvus is a tall and slender aarakocra with black feathers and piercing yellow eyes. He wears a tattered cloak and a wide-brimmed hat to hide his face in the shadows.  


  Corvus is a cunning and resourceful rogue. He is always looking for the next big score, and he is not afraid to take risks. He is also fiercely loyal to his friends and allies.  

Short Backstory

  Corvus was born on the streets of a large city. He learned to survive by stealing and begging, and he quickly developed a reputation as a skilled thief. One day, he was caught stealing from a wealthy merchant. The merchant was furious, and he threatened to have Corvus hanged. But Corvus was able to escape, and he has been on the run ever since.  


  Corvus travels the world, looking for adventure and fortune. He is always looking for new and exciting ways to make a living. He is also interested in learning more about the world and the people in it.  

Full Backstory


Early Life

Corvus was born in a large rookery on the outskirts of a bustling city. He was one of the youngest and smallest of his siblings, but he was also the most intelligent and resourceful. From a young age, Corvus showed a natural aptitude for thievery and trickery. He would often sneak into the city to steal food and other valuables, which he would then bring back to the rookery to share with his family.   As Corvus grew older, his skills as a thief improved. He became so skilled that he was able to steal from even the most guarded places. He also became known for his ability to disappear without a trace. This made him a valuable asset to the rookery, and he quickly became one of the most respected members of the community.  

On the Run

One day, Corvus was caught stealing from a wealthy merchant. The merchant was furious, and he offered a large reward for Corvus's capture. Corvus knew that he could not stay in the city any longer, so he fled into the wilderness.   Corvus traveled for many days and nights, until he finally reached a small village on the edge of a dark forest. The villagers were kind and welcoming, and they offered Corvus a place to stay. Corvus was grateful for their hospitality, and he quickly became a part of the community.  

A New Life

Corvus lived in the village for many years. He helped the villagers with their chores and tasks, and he even taught them some of his skills as a thief. But Corvus never forgot his past. He always knew that the merchant was still looking for him, and that he would not be safe until he found a way to clear his name.   One day, a group of adventurers arrived in the village. They were on their way to a nearby dungeon to defeat a powerful evil wizard. Corvus knew that this was his chance to prove himself and clear his name. He offered to join the adventurers on their quest, and they agreed.  

The Adventure Begins

Corvus and the adventurers traveled to the dungeon and defeated the evil wizard. Corvus played a vital role in the victory, using his skills as a thief to gather information and sabotage the wizard's plans.   After the adventure, Corvus returned to the village. He was a hero, and the merchant no longer had any reason to pursue him. Corvus was finally free to live his life without fear.  

The Future

Corvus is now a respected member of the village community, but he still has a thirst for adventure. He often travels the world with other adventurers, seeking out new challenges and opportunities. Corvus is a valuable asset to any party, and he is always willing to help those in need.



Personality Traits
  • Cunning
  • Resourceful
  • Loyal
  • Brave
  • Adventurous

  • Freedom
  • Justice
  • Redemption

  • The village where he grew up
  • The adventurers who helped him clear his name
  • The people he has helped along the way

  • Arrogant
  • Impulsive
  • Greedy

  • To clear his name and become a respected member of society
  • To travel the world and experience new things
  • To help those in need


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