Sir-Madam Tahira Character in The Scepter | World Anvil
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Sir-Madam Tahira

Either/or, darling. Whichever you require.   Sir-Madam Tahira is the non-binary mistress and proprietor of the House of Every Delight.   They took over the business twenty years BPE (when, at the time, it was called the House of Sweet Delights) and oversaw huge expansion of the entertainment provided and construction of the top three floors in challenge of the local authorities.   Initially a pastry chef in High Street, Tahira saw the opportunity to grow a valued, but neglected service when visiting the brothel in Southbridge to peddle her goods. She become good friends with the madam at the time and soon convinced her to sell, after liquidating all her capital by pawning off her exorbitantly high-rent pastry shop in High Street.   While renovating the House, Tahira attended classes at the College on Garden Hill to study ancient elven poetry and literature. They take every opportunity to quote obscure bits of poetry from memory to impress clients or sooth tired workers with platitudes and pretty words. Tahira also personally performs a weekly poetry reading in the room dedicated specifically for the event on the upper floor of the House, where it overlooks the Knotted Bog. The Sir-Madam is also an open Starman and gives short sermons and cites original compositions themed around Selûne when the moon is at its brightest.
Current Location
Year of Birth
1441 YS 50 Years old
Sky blue and sharp as a hawk's
A red so dark it looks nearly black, with a sheen so silky it seems combed and pampered, probably professionally, at least three times a day
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Bronze and perfect
130 lbs
Ruled Locations

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