Pemberton's Alehouse Building / Landmark in The Scepter | World Anvil
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Pemberton's Alehouse

The premiere spot for cheap cheap ale, with prime real estate center square side of Southbridge Market. Managed and kept by the friendly, if gullible gnome Pemberton.   Pemberton runs the establisment casually, is a friend to most of his clientel, and can usually be found playing a round of cards or drinking, more often than tending the bar.   There are a few cheap rooms available to those in need at the cost of 5 cp.

Purpose / Function

Gettin' sloshed and making friends.


The Alehouse is a standard two story tavern, with an inn on the second floor, the bar on the first, and a small patio in the marketplace for outdoor revelry.
Alternative Names
Often referred to as "The Cheap" by dock workers who frequently patron.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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