Southsea Idioms Language in The Riftgrounds | World Anvil
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Southsea Idioms

As one might expect, many of the sayings and idioms of the people and elves of the Southsea region tend to revolve around fishing, ships, and the sea.   Anger or fits of strong emotion are often compared to a storm at sea, while good fortune is sometimes referred to as a 'good haul'. Elven phrases have also made their way into the regional common in some cases, as the culture of the humans of Southsea and the sea elves have become rather interwoven over the years. This is particularly true of their language, because even centuries ago when they had clearly defined and different territories, they've been friendly neighbors and avid trade partners for nearly a millennia.
Common Phrases
Like fighting a kraken
A common way of referring to a task or endeavor that seems entirely impossible or pointless
Amon dalagen
An elvish phrase that has made its way into regional common slang, literally meaning 'the perils of the sea'. It is used to refer to a trial that tests one or causes them to grow as a person.
Clear skies and a strong tailwind
A farewell and saying of well wishes
--Like the dragons of old::This is a phrase typically meaning something is to be done in a dramatic fashion or expected to cause quite a commotion. While it has spread to other regions, the phrase is most common associated with Southsea, perhaps because it is where the oldest known tales of dragons originated.
A gloom horizon
The first signs on the horizon of a distant oncoming storm
Starboard sun
The sun approaching sunset and it gets late. When one is facing south, this puts the sun on the right, or starboard, side.
The call of the sea
Something that one desires, a dream or idea one simply can't let go.

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