Flashes Condition in The Riftgrounds | World Anvil
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Certain gnomes possess a notable amount of ingrained magical ability, not through arcane manipulation, but as a physical aspect of their race. However, occasionally as a gnome ages they can lose fine control over the magic they hold within. Known as the flashes, this condition can cause their magic to manifest unintentionally, particularly when under stress, whether it be physical or emotional.   Many gnomes possess illusionary magic as their innate magic, which makes stranges appearances or flashes of light the most common forms this condition takes, hence its name. While this condition is not typically dangerous (though it can be for the rare few gnomes with more destructive magic in their genes), it can be highly distressing for the aging gnome. They can be confusing, as the out of control illusions aren't always clearly fake even to the gnome creating them, and the flashes and other weird effects can foten draw unwanted attention.


A few gnomes take to wearing magic suppression items like rings as a form of treatment, but many shun such solutions as gnomish culture often views one's innate magic as part of themselves. Some work has been done on treatment through strict training of their innate magic, though this has only yielded mixed results.

Cultural Reception

This condition is often met with fear or confusion outside of gnomish communities, as it is often misunderstood by people who doesn't understand that the gnome isn't causing a disturbance intentionally, or perhaps aren't aware that gnomes possess this kind of innate magic at all. In gnomish society it is generally accepted as an unfortunate effect of age, and the aging gnomes are treated with respect and sympathy to their condition. As causing mischief with their magic is a favorite pastime of many a gnomish youth, some are even somewhat envious of these older gnomes' ability to cause a scene with their magic on occasion and get away with it.

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