Temple of the Seasons Building / Landmark in The Return | World Anvil
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Temple of the Seasons

Located just outside Sanpoi, the Temple of the Seasons was built by the Church of the Seasons under the direct orders of Bethany Coleman, funded via tithes from her followers. Controversial from its inception, the impressive stone temple was the tallest building in Aydah built since the Return. In 406AR, the temple was burnt down during the first violent protest that triggered the [Seasoner Riots].

Purpose / Function

The Temple was built with the intent of becoming the headquarters of the booming Church. It contained a massive chapel on the lower floor, offices and quarters for the Church leadership, and the personal quarters of the High Priestess herself.


The Temple was constructed of a mixture of wood and granite blocks, and was known for its beautiful stained-glass window with an image of Yaha depicted on it - an depiction that some have noted bore a close resemblance to Bethany Coleman. Most notably, a high stone tower topped with a spire rose from the rear of the building. The tower contained the personal quarters of the High Priestess and a sacred sanctuary where supposed "Relics of Yaha" were kept - these "Relics" have not been seen in hundreds of years, and their nature remains a mystery, as only the highest leadership of the Church was allowed entry. Their fate after the building's destruction is unknown.


In the year 273AR, with Sanpoi having established itself as an important merchant center and with the Church of the Seasons flourishing, Bethany Coleman decided to construct a new headquarters for her faith.   Bethany's project initially faced virulent opposition from much of the Council of Sanpoi, but one by one her opponents in the Council either withdrew their complaints or passed away (often under suspicious circumstances) and allowed the building to begin construction in 275AR.   A protest against the Church led by adventurer Èla Vovyh resulted in violence when a member of the [Guardians of Spring] stabbed a Sanpoinan who was charging towards the temple door. Molotov cocktails were lit, and the flames set combined with a separate fire lit on the fifth floor to turn the temple into a blazing conflagration which soon collapsed. While most of the Seasoners inside were able to evacuate, the Seasoner leadership developed a desire for rapid and violent revenge, ordering the Guardians to begin a violent campaign of retaliation against the people and government of Sanpoi.
Alternative Names
the Temple, Spire of the Seasons, the Seasoner Temple
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Erèzo Yàrodh
Owning Organization

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