Vei'Krescen Species in The Realm | World Anvil
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A flower born from a land charred by fire, it holds power and influence in its name alone.

"No, hust because you're half Oncoli does not mean you can just drop out of highschool and go in the seared and pick flowers."
-a concerned parent

The Great Flame rages on throughout the years. The only hope is only to control it, to block it off as best as possible, and pray that someday, someone will read in between the scraggly lines of the runes that had started it to find a way to extinguish it.

With decades of work, there was finally a way to venture deep within the Seared. Scavenging what was left of cities and nations, a single pink flower blooms from the dark, dry land.

The Vei'krescen lifts its head up towards the sky, twisting nature to its will. It defies the heat and the pain, and it stands, as a symbol of power.

Vei'Krescen flowers are found deep within the Seared lands, where the heat is enough to bake any unprepared travelors. Originally discovered by a band of Oncolis, it has since grown to be a treasured species by many.

Basic Information


The flower's main body is made up of six to eight pink petals. The petals are matte but smooth to the touch. It s encased by a translucent yellow layer of petals that tilt towards the right, and on the bottom, pale purple leaves that vary in opacity. In the very centre, encased but the pink petals, are three of its stamen and a single pistil. It grows very close to the ground, with little to no stem visible. Its roots are fibrous, and have an extremely strong hold on the soil.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Vei'Krescen is self-pollinating. During the night of Naswizuela's autumn season, during Hanz (September) these flowers grow seeds and allow the rare, warm breeze to carry them off elsewhere.

Growth Rate & Stages

A Vei'Krescen, depending on the environment, may take anywhere from two to eight years to fully mature. It first begins as a bulb, then as a small flower, then an expanded, lotus-like plant. It has fully matured when its purple leaves are permanently visible and its stamen are higher than the surrounding petals.

Ecology and Habitats

Unlike many other plants, the Vei'Krescen has gone beyond adapting to the Seared- it has conquered it. It draws energy from the heat and sun, and its large roots draw nutrients from microorganisms in the soil as a result of the constant heat. It tends to grow on cliffs, as the larger surface area and more air allow it to grow much faster. The Vei'Krescen stores water inside its pink petals from the rare rain. It's also often found near Por rocks, where the Por cools the temperature underground enough for slight moisture to remain, and for the Vei'Krescen to absorb said moisture without activating its splitting.

Biological Cycle

Generally, its life cycle begins in the early summer, from late (May) Faed to Meri (June), when it draws on the nearby heat and remaining moisture from the earlier spring. It begins with only a bulb of pink petals surrounded by a thin film of yellow. During late Meri, the yellow film bursts and the petals begin to expand. By the time autumn arrives, from Memoy (July) to Hanz (September), the petals fully expand and begin to form its purple leaves. When winter comes, it goes into hibernation, the pink petals forming into a taller tube and yellow petals curling up. It may also shed its purple leaves in exchange for stronger yellow petals. The next spring, it lifts its head once more.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Vei'Krescen is highly renowned for its capability to absorb all sorts of resonance. This includes nullifying jinxes and spells, hiding objects from magical detection, casting away illusions and more. Using a combination of the absorber (yellow petals) and the releaser (pink petals) it's possible to create a special material that can both absorb resonance, and release it when necessary. The leftover purple leaves are mostly useless, as while they detect resonance, they are not nearly as accurate as many other cheaper and more effective tactics.

The main feature of the Vei'Krescen is how it stands as a symbol of power. Materials made from it are a translucent rose gold that's easily recognizable across the realm. The way it ripples is rarely seen in other materials, and capes made from it are often worn by influential figures, such as the Vereif, Utianee, and leaders of major organizations such as the CDP and IT. Due to its rarity and the history behind it, it's still used today, both as a resonance nullifying agent and as a sign of great power.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While it's mostly only found in the Kaei continent on Naswizuela, the plant has since been brought to other worlds with similar climates and Seared lands- such as Neby, Sleedie, Toibay and Hun'ni.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This plant's outer yellow casing is capable of sensing resonance- and the purple leaves turn more or less opaque depending on the amount and intensity of resonance nearby. It is also sensitive to heat and moisture, both its roots and its outer yellow layer. When there is danger detected, the flower releases a sudden wave of heat that often causes most predators to leave.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Certain animals, namely a species of lizards commonly known as the Silent Tracks often hide under or near Vei'Krescen flowers, due to the slightly lower temperatures and the protection offered by the flower's natural defences. In exchange, they lay their eggs and defecate near the flower, both acting as a territorial mark and providing the plant with nutrients. The lizards also lead larger predators away from the flower.
Scientific Name
Reikoe (resonance-blocking), Pantl (Blue Chroma), Veyrituih Crescentika
Conservation Status
This species is under minor protection. Only trained and certified adventurers are legible to harvest it, and there are measures taken to ensure that its amount remains in a safe zone.
Average Height
25 cm

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