Ademlos Geographic Location in The Realm of Ademlos | World Anvil
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Ademlos (Andlang) is one of the heavens of Norse mythology, the realm where souls are sent after the events of Ragnarok.
Alternative Name(s)
Andlang, Odemlos, Vithblainn, The Heaven Between, The Long Breath
Included Locations
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  • 10000

    Era beginning/end

    Before time, before space, before life, there was the Ginnungagap, the Primordial Void, an unfathomable emptiness.

  • 5000

    Muspelheim and Niflheim

    Then, from the depths of the great nothing emerged two elemental realms, one embodying the essences of cold and darkness, known as Niflheim, and the other embodying the essences of heat and light, known as Muspelheim.

  • 4200

    Birth of Ymir

    The icy waters of Niflheim flowed into the spaces of the Primordial Void, and the burning embers of Muspelheim drifted and settled upon the waters, casting up plumes of steam which condensed to give form to the first being, the mighty Jotun Ymir.

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    The second being formed by the steam within the Void was the heifer Audhumla. Ymir suckled at the teats of Audhumla and gained immense strength.

  • 3800

    Birth of the Jotnar
    Life, Birth

    When Ymir slept, his beads of sweat pooled together and from these pools emerged the Jotnar. Ymir loved his children, and he gave them great power. The Jotnar reproduced and spread throughout the realms, praising Ymir as the father of creation.

  • 3500

    Birth of the Aesir
    Life, Birth

    The heifer Audhumla rested in the Primordial Void and fed herself from an iceberg which floated in the waters. Each day, Audhumla melted more of the ice, and revealed a new being from within, known as Buri, the first God. Buri suckled at the teats of Audhumla and gained power like Ymir. He used some of his power to spawn his own children, who would become the Aesir Gods.

  • 3200

    Death of Ymir
    Era beginning/end

    The Aesir Gods were jealous of Ymir's power, and so they attacked the giant together while he slept. Ymir's wounds spilled out so much blood that it filled the Primordial Void and drowned many of the Jotnar. The remaining Giants fled and hid in the misty lands of Niflheim, founding a new kingdom known as Jotunheim. The Aesir Gods were left unopposed to rule over the rest of existence, building several new realms from the flesh and bones of Ymir.

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    Amongst the many realms created by the Aesir Gods was a land of lush life and geology known as Midgard. This realm was selected to be the home of all life spawned by the Aesir.

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    Amongst the many realms created by the Aesir was a barren landscape of ice and stone known as Andlang.

  • 3050

    Creation of the Mortal Races
    Life, Birth

    The Aesir feared that their spawn would become too strong and overthrow them, as the Aesir had done to Ymir, so they created the mortal races of Elves, Dwarves, and Humans, cursed with the burden of inevitable death so that they might never surpass the Aesir in power.

  • 3000

    Reign of the Aesir
    Era beginning/end

    The Aesir demanded that the mortal races worship them, threatening to punish those who denied their supremacy. The Gods pushed the various tribes of mortals to go to war and struggle for their amusement, and insisted that their followers offer up sacrifices for their divine favor. Even in death, the greatest mortal souls were forced to serve the Aesir as knights, tasked with destroying any Jotun who dared to venture into the territory of the Gods.

  • 2400

    Andlang Forgotten
    Discovery, Exploration

    Over time, as many of the realms created by the Aesir lay unused and unacknowledged, their existence was forgotten, and records of their locations were lost. Andlang was one such realm.

  • 250

    Andlang Rediscovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    In their search for new lands to colonize and escape the watchful eyes of the Aesir, the Jotnar rediscovered the lost realm of Andlang. Linking their homeland of Jotunheim to this new world through a powerful Arcane Gate, the Jotnar sent a company of their best scientific and military minds to found a colony, where they could privately research new technologies to wield against the Aesir.

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    Carthannas and Saotharlann

    The Jotnar expedition to Andlang settled in two regions of the realm, which they named Carthannas and Saotharlann. They established several colonies across these regions, where they studied various fields of science and prepared arms for a great war against the Aesir.

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    The Twilight War
    Era beginning/end

    The Jotnar, determined to end the reign of the Aesir, and armed with powerful weaponry from their secret colonies on Andlang, declared war against the Gods and invaded the realm of Midgard, claiming it as their own. The Jotnar tried to free the mortal races from the tyranny of the Aesir, but the Elves and many Humans refused to abandon their masters. Mortals and Immortals fought in many gruesome battles for control over the realms of existence, and many souls of both kinds were lost, but the Jotnar began to emerge as the clear victors in the war. Out of desperation, the Aesir Gods spread seeds of destruction across the known realms, blanketing them in oceans of fire to destroy many of the Jotnar, but also wiping out the mortal armies on both sides. In a final climactic battle, the last few remaining Aesir finally defeated the Jotnar, but when the smoke had cleared and the fires had died, the nine surviving Gods found their lands poisoned and uninhabitable. They inherited a kingdom of ashes, where they could only be Gods of the embers.

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    Mortals Flee to Andlang
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Jotnar allowed the mortals who joined their struggle against the Aesir to choose whether they would stand and fight in Midgard or flee to the safe haven of Andlang, where they could help the Jotnar cultivate the land and construct weapons to supply the warfront. Ultimately, only those who fled were spared from the holocaust which the Aesir unleashed upon the known realms of existence.


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