Zementals Species in The Reach | World Anvil
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The Zementals are a race of spirits. These live in the Zementaelian district of Kahr Zen. Their Leader is Zemora , who also is one of the Zementals. The Zementals are the guardians of the City of Rings. If the outer ring were to be breached, Zementals would come to life and walk down the road of Kahr Zen, and they would kill kill everyone and everything that entered. If you for some reason entered and came out alive, the Zementals would hunt you down and kill you. If you would see a Zementals, you would only be able to see it’s armour. This is because Zementals are more of an energy Spirit, than a real thing. You can cut through the armour many times, but it wouldn’t notice a thing. Nor could you deal it any damage by burning or Freezing it. The only way you could ‘kill’ it, is by breaking its armour. Then the Zementals will move out of the armour, and search for a new one. After a battle, the Dwarves will offer lots of their own pieces of armour to the Zementals, so that all of the Zementals that hadn’t found an armour yet, will get one.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

It doesn't reproduce

Growth Rate & Stages

it grows slowly

Ecology and Habitats

It lives in the city of Kahr Zen

Dietary Needs and Habits

It doesn't need to eat.

Biological Cycle

They don't die

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They all live in Kahr Zen

Average Intelligence

Really smart. Int: 20+

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They have dwarven names, because they were once dwarves

Major Organizations

They live in Kahr Zen. That's the only place they'll ever live, because they follow the orders of their leader, Zemora.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They don't talk in person. They only talk in the mind (Telepathic)

Common Dress Code

They are invisible. To make themselves be able to interact in a physical way with the world, they mostly take control over pieces of armour. This makes it look like moving empty pieces of armour.


Zementals are spirits, but once, a long time ago, they were Dwarves. They were turned into Zementals because of an heroic act that they have done. This is done by The Sword of Zemora. The Sword of Zemora is a sword with a pure crystal of Sphalerite inside it, which gives it the property of being able to store a lot of power. Because it has so much power, once the power is released a little by it’s controller, it will shoot out in an incredible beam of energy. This could vaporize anyone and anything instantly. If you concentrate the power enough, and use a lot of magic, you could turn someone into a spirit of pure energy. This is exactly what is done to create Zementals.

Historical Figures

Their King, the leader of Kahr Zen is also a Zemental.
infinite years
Average Height
It depends, because Zementals can take form in all kinds of pieces of armor. But the averige hight is around 2.5 meters.
Related Materials

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