Zinc Species in The Quarantine | World Anvil
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The Brittle Mongers

Who are we? We are the Rare Innovators and the Brutish Idiots.
  • Interview with the Denizens of the Quarantine: Gignō
  • Basic Information


    The Zinc have a neanderthal-esque skull shape, outward brow and all. Their bodies are humanoid and seem emaciated, but they are more than capable of lifting boulders larger than themselves. As you would expect from a humanoid, they possess two arms and legs, and one head. They are capable of adapting to extreme cold and heat, making seasonal changes only affect how they obtain/find food.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    The species reproduces sexually, and those bearing young remain pregnant for 5-8 months. When they finally give birth, they can birth up to five in one go, but the average is two.

    Growth Rate & Stages

    Zinc can live up to 150 years old. They normally choose a profession by 20 and fully mature once they reach 24. They physically peak at 80, and then plateau until they reach the age of 100. From there on it's a downward spiral, as the average human's body does once they get into their elder years.

    Ecology and Habitats

    The Zinc mainly take residence within The Outskirts of The Quarantine, and often travel between different locations in order to find more resources to buy and sell with either other Zinc or with outsiders. If there's anything the Zinc are good at aside from smashing things it's making money.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Most travelling Zinc often have some firecattle with them to serve as either food, merchandise, or pack mules/wagon pullers. Caravans will often have a small pack of hounds as well to serve as protectors in the event of midnight raids on their camps.

    Biological Cycle

    In colder/warmer seasons, the Zinc can adapt their body heat so they are always at a comfortable temperature. It's to the extent where they can be bare naked in the snow and only feel a slight chill.

    Additional Information

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Zinc have the average human senses (hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch, etc etc), but heightened above the average human's. Their vision has a slightly wider peripheral, they can hear the drop of a needle (when straining), etc.
    Scientific Name
    Barbari (Quara), Innovus (Zinc)
    Conservation Status
    To the Quara, the Zinc are a dangerous race capable of rivaling their own technology, and so they fearfully respect the Outskirts and it's inhabitants. In truth, however, the Zinc are only a threat when they have a leader. The Quara don't need to know that though.

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