President of the Monotherium Rank/Title in The Plateau | World Anvil
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President of the Monotherium

The President of the Monotherium is the combined head of state and head of government of the Monotherium, and as such the entire Plateau. It was the first position of it's kind to grant political power to a single individual over the entire Plateau.
In reality the position of President is constrained by the Monotherium treaty and political realities on the ground with the governments of the Five Lands and the Great Chamber acting as a counter weight to their power.

List of Presidents

Presidency President Concurrent Position
10th of Hyllo 137 ME
29th of Vergust 589 ME
Victor Roach
High Seat of House Roach
10th of Hyllo 137 ME
29th of Vergust 589 ME
Kragen II Sost Regnent of the Desert Lands
29th of Vergust 589 ME
10th of Solmower 958 ME
Vulvus V Vulvus Lord of the Shadow Archipelago
10th of Solmower 958 ME
14th of Anwer 1561 ME
Gulbrandr Ehecatl High Seat of House Ehecatl
14th of Anwer 1561 ME
14th of Onover 1876 ME
Zebadiah I Fanya King of Sunland
14th of Onover 1876 ME
28th of Mythwen 2113 ME
Assamus III Sigrún High Princess of Polarin
28th of Mythwen 2113 ME
4th of Vergust 2549 ME
Vergun Toots Duke of Pathflut
4th of Vergust 2549 ME
3rd of Franth 2698 ME
Zebadiah II Fanya King of Sunland

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