Warp Drive Technology / Science in The Pelexat Galaxy | World Anvil
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Warp Drive


Warp drives is an umbrella term for a type of engine used in many ships which, rather than propelling the ship through space as usual, they warp or manipulate space itself around the ship. depending on the style of warp drive, this will either cause ripples that bend space and "move" the ship that way, or create temporary wormholes - a major fold in the fabric of spacetime for the ship to travel through. One side of the wormhole will open at the ship's location, and the other will open at the desired coordinates. This opening is relatively unstable, but the warp engine is able to keep it open safely long enough to travel through. Once inside the wormhole, this ship will be in hyperspace - that being the “space between space”. This isn't instantaneous teleportation however, the wormhole acts more like a tunnel or a shortcut, and to get to the destination on the other side, the ship needs to be able to be propelled through, which depending on the ship and how far the destination is, can still take days, weeks or even months.
Access & Availability
Every ship in the Kepek Commonwealth has a warp drive installed. In large scale ships, such as the Interstellar Colony Flagships, the warp drive allows the enormous ship to move through space without using unfathomably large amounts of fuel. In standard private ships, the warp drive is usually single-use and present in the case of an emergency evacuation so that citizens are able to reach the nearest colony - however the power they require usually causes heavy damage to ships not built to withstand the jump.
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