Alora Alvarez Character in The Parallel Isles | World Anvil
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Alora Alvarez

Alora Natalie Tia Alvarez

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to parents Carina Alvarez and Adham Khoury, Alora was born into a big family in Tolid, Larina, including her older sister Pilar Alvarez, grandparents Natalie and Corey Alvarez, her aunt and uncle Josefina and Rafael Luque and cousins Estella, Ángel and Genesis. Before Alora was 4 years old, her father had already started to show his abusive behaviour to her, neglecting her basic needs and safety. Pilar tried to take 'most of the heat' but eventually Carina split from Adham and moved in directly with her parents. Due to such a large family, Alora was often forgotten about (as she was also much younger than everyone else) and became quite independent. She had a basic education similar to many kids in Tolid and didnt exactly stand out, though she was notable very beautiful from a young age. At 12, her best friend and sister left for college in Thasia, which both left her even more alone, but also degraded by most of her family for not being 'smarter'. At 16, she started to get herself into trouble by being too curious, which eventually lead to a bad situation which ultimately destroyed her trust fully. On one evening, she had been wandering her city when she was approached by an older man, he offered her a drink and some 'company', to which Alora politely declined and moved along, however she was followed and later attacked by said man, who had kept an eye on her and wanted to marry her. He planned to take her to Kerstadt, Durchland, where the legal age of marriage is 16, similarly to how he had done with 4 other girls previously. Luckily, after arriving in Kerstadt, one of the mans other wives (who was now in her 20s) helped her to escape before the marriage could go ahead. She got away safely, though a bounty was put on her head by the man who wanted her returned. The next few weeks for her were awful, she was too young to find a stable place to live, so she settled for squatting in a derelict flophouse, the only work she could find was waiting tables at an underground club, which also put her life at risk. Eventually, she was noticed by Wallace Lott, Leader of the Ivory Wolves, due to her trying to pickpocket him as she did most customers. Him noticing her theft landed her a higher earning job with the Wolves as a spy/honeypot, someone who would seduce or lure in targets wanted. Though this job wasnt any safer, it offered her a spot in the Wolf Den house with clean-ish water and other ammenities. During this contract-like job for Lott, she met Deylan who managed to help her regain her trust in others, especially men, again. Deylan had been in a similar situation to Alora, and they both started workign as a team of jobs as they found they worked well together. By 18, she had a stable amount of money to get a small flat in a nearby stack, which offered her more safety and privacy, and asked Deylan if he would prefer living somewhere clean and secure. Life was going just fine until the man who had previously kidnapped her from her homeland found her again during a job for the Ivory Wolves. He tried to get her alone and vunerable but with her new learnt skills she fought back and ran, this event ended in the man trying to sue her for an unsolicited assult, with 'witnesses' backing him up. The man promised to drop the case as long as she paid him the damages she had caused, which were of course an exceedingly ridiculous amount she would nalways be in debt for. She went to Lott, who told her he unfortunately couldnt just pay him off, but instead he had another job opportunity which was possibly the most risky thing anyone had ever attempted.


Aloras education was the same as most kids from Larina, which prepared her with the most basic of information needed to survive. In Larinian culture, most life skills are to be taught by a persons grandparents such as cooking, sewing, repairing, etc.


From ages 12 to 15, she worked in a small souvenir shop by the seafront of Tolid which barely paid her enough to buy sweets. When she escaped her kidnapper in Kerstadt, she would steal from random and unfortunate people to get by until she found more 'stable' work in an underground club (which is similar to an old gentlemans club). She kept up her pickpocketting habit to be able to afford food and a shower, as being a waiter or barmaid didnt pay as much as it should have, considering every night old pervy men would look at her (and she was 16). Eventually, she was contracted by the Ivory Wolves to be a spy and a honeypot, a contract which was a binding document for 7 years and 2 days until she either paid it off or worked for the time. Although this job still wasnt pleasant, Alora enjoyed this job and preferred it to any other she had had previously.


Alora Alvarez

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Ellie Courbet



Ellie Courbet

Girlfriend (Vital)

Towards Alora Alvarez



Current Status
Working as a spy/honeypot for the Ivory Wolves
Current Location
Medium brown, almond
Dark brown, shoulder length, loosely coiled, likes to add hair rings and experiment
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Like most from her culture, she can speak Larinian as well as Durch.

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