The Order Organization in The Order | World Anvil

The Order

Estimated: [Redacted]
Founder: The Director  

Mission Statement

  The Order functions in secrecy, with a global reach that transcends national borders and governmental oversight. Entrusted and endorsed by the world's leading powers, this organization is tasked with a mission of utmost importance: the containment and management of anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena. These anomalies, often defying the very laws of nature, pose significant risks - not only threatening physical and psychological safety but also challenging the fundamental principles that underpin our understanding of reality.   At the core of The Order's operations is an extensive repository of knowledge, detailing a multitude of anomalies that require specialized containment and management protocols. This repository, known within The Order as "The Arcanum Codex" (AC), provides comprehensive summaries and emergency procedures for these anomalies. The Codex is essential for ensuring effective containment and response strategies, particularly in scenarios where normal containment measures fail or during unexpected events.   The overarching mission of The Order is to uphold and preserve the sense of normalcy in the everyday lives of people around the world. By managing these hidden threats, The Order allows the global populace to continue their lives free from the paralyzing effects of fear, mistrust, and doubt in their belief systems. Moreover, The Order plays a crucial role in safeguarding humanity's independence from influences that are beyond our understanding, including extraterrestrial, extradimensional, and other extranormal forces. In this way, The Order acts as the silent guardian of the world, ensuring that the ordinary remains ordinary, while the extraordinary remains hidden and under control.


The Letter

  Humanity, in its current form, has existed for over a quarter of a million years. However, it's only in the last sliver of that vast timeline that we've begun to truly understand the world around us.   For the majority of our history, we lived in the shadows of mysteries and fears. Our ancestors gathered in caves, huddled around flickering fires, haunted by the inexplicable. They witnessed wonders and horrors beyond comprehension - creatures with the bodies of beasts and faces of men, stones that seemed to breathe life, and skies that whispered secrets of the cosmos. These phenomena were beyond their understanding, so they became the stuff of legend and lore, worshipped as deities or feared as demons.   As centuries passed, these enigmatic occurrences and entities became less frequent, or perhaps less noticed. Humanity began to thrive, to understand, and to fear less, as the world seemed increasingly less mystifying. But the unexplainable and the impossible never truly vanished. It's as if the fabric of reality itself is woven with threads of the absurd and the inexplicable.   This is where The Order steps in. We understand that humanity must not revert to cowering in the darkness, paralyzed by the unknown. There is no other shield against these enigmas but ourselves. We are the custodians of these arcane secrets, the barrier between the public and the unfathomable.   While the rest of humanity lives in the comforting glow of the known and the normal, The Order operates in the shadows. We confront the inexplicable, we contain the incomprehensible, and we conceal these truths to maintain the fabric of a sane world. It is in this darkness that we stand vigilant, ensuring that the everyday life remains untouched by the mysteries that we guard against. For in this balance, humanity finds its sanctuary from the chaos of the unknown.  

The Director


The Order operates under a hierarchically streamlined yet enigmatic structure, optimized for the dynamic nature of its operations. Central to its command is [REDACTED], ensuring both decisive leadership and operational secrecy.  
High Command
The Director: The apex of The Order's command structure is The Director, whose identity and extent of power are shrouded in secrecy. The Director is pivotal in strategic decision-making and overseeing all facets of The Order's clandestine operations.
Senior Divisions: Beneath The Director are several key divisions, each headed by a [REDACTED] Leader. These include [REDACTED] for Operations, [REDACTED] for Research, [REDACTED] for Containment, [REDACTED] for Intelligence, and [REDACTED] for Administration. Each division focuses on specialized areas critical to The Order's objectives.  
Operational Divisions
Field Operations: Tasked with direct engagement and management of anomalies. This division includes [DATA EXPUNGED], renowned for their efficiency and secrecy.
Research and Development: Dedicated to the study and understanding of anomalies. Efforts in this division are [REDACTED] to ensure the safety and security of their findings.
Containment Facilities: Charged with the containment and monitoring of [REDACTED]. This division operates numerous [CLASSIFIED] sites globally.
Intelligence and Information: A pivotal division where [REDACTED] is gathered and analyzed to inform and direct The Order's missions.  
Support and Administrative Divisions
Logistics and Supply: This division's operations are [REDACTED] but are known to be integral to maintaining The Order's operational readiness.
Human Resources: [REDACTED] details regarding recruitment and training processes. Emphasizes the well-being of The Order's personnel.
Legal and Ethics: This division's extent and operations are largely [CLASSIFIED], focusing on legal and ethical oversight.  
Specialized Units and Departments
Specialized Research Teams: [DATA EXPUNGED].
Rapid Response Units: [REDACTED], including teams like MTF Delta-4, designed for immediate deployment.
Diplomatic Relations: Handles [REDACTED] with external entities, crucial for The Order's covert operations.  
Decentralization and Autonomy
The structure, while centralized under The Director, allows for significant [REDACTED] within divisions. This enables rapid and adaptive responses to unpredictable [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] ensures that field operatives can act decisively based on real-time assessments.

Public Agenda

The Order, while shrouded in layers of secrecy, maintains a public façade that aligns with broader societal and humanitarian goals. Ostensibly, their agenda is presented as follows:   Promotion of Safety and Security: The Order publicly positions itself as a guardian against threats that endanger global stability and human well-being. This encompasses protecting societies from [REDACTED], ensuring public safety remains paramount.   Advancement of Knowledge: While its deeper research endeavors remain classified, The Order is known to support scientific and historical research, particularly in [REDACTED] areas that promise to enhance humanity's understanding of the world.   Collaboration with Global Entities: The Order often presents itself as a collaborator with international organizations, governments, and academic institutions, albeit always under a veil of anonymity and discretion. Their involvement is typically channeled through [REDACTED] initiatives that align with their hidden objectives.   In essence, The Order's public agenda is crafted to mask its true nature, serving as a benign front for its more covert and often morally ambiguous operations.

In Obscurum Custodimus, In Lucem Protegimus


  • England, Nova
    Step into the age of steam and sail with this interactive map of Victorian-era England, where the echoes of the Industrial Revolution still resonate through cobblestone streets and bustling harbors. This map invites you to explore the grandeur of Gothic revival architecture, the charm of seaside towns like Weymouth, and the enduring legacy of historical landmarks. Navigate through a landscape where history blends with the myths and legends of Nova, bringing to life a world where the fantastical becomes possible. Discover castles and hillforts, retrace the steps of legendary figures, and carve your own path in a land brimming with adventure and mystery
Founding Date
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members

Character flag image: by Zinix


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