Mobile Task Forces - MTFs Organization in The Order | World Anvil

Mobile Task Forces - MTFs


Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are specialized units within The Order, composed of elite personnel drawn from various divisions. These forces are mobilized to handle threats or situations that surpass the operational capacity or expertise of standard field personnel. True to their name, MTFs are highly mobile, capable of being redeployed across different facilities or locations as needed. They represent the pinnacle of The Order's operational capabilities.  

Function and Composition

MTFs vary significantly in terms of size, composition, and purpose:
  • Large-Scale Combat Units: Some MTFs are akin to military battalions, equipped to engage highly aggressive anomalous entities. These units can include hundreds of troops, support personnel, vehicles, and advanced equipment, ready to be deployed globally.
  • Specialized Units: Other MTFs are smaller, focusing on intelligence gathering or investigative tasks. These groups may consist of a dozen or fewer operatives, tailored to achieve specific objectives efficiently.

Operational Roles

In the field, MTFs often adopt cover identities, such as emergency responders, law enforcement, or military personnel, relevant to their operational region. Commanders can also coordinate with local units or nearby facilities to enhance mission effectiveness.  


MTFs are organized to optimize their intended functions:
  • Varied Structures: The structure can range from formal military hierarchies in combat-focused MTFs to more informal arrangements in smaller units.
  • Diverse Command Responsibilities: The Mobile Task Force Commander (MTFC) role varies widely, from managing multiple teams in larger forces to leading field operations in smaller units.
  • Cohesion and Composition: Some MTFs comprise long-serving members with years of shared experience, while others may be rapidly assembled for specific incidents, bringing together experts with diverse backgrounds.


  • Commissioning: MTFs are typically commissioned by The Order's Director of Task Forces, often requiring approval from higher echelons of command.
  • Purpose-Driven Formation: Many MTFs are formed to address particular anomalies or preempt emerging threats, especially where standard containment strategies fall short.


  • Conditional Operation: MTFs designated for specific anomalies are usually disbanded post-recovery or when ongoing containment is no longer necessary.
  • Continuation or Disbandment: Successful task forces may continue operations if their expertise is deemed valuable for future incidents. Otherwise, they are disbanded, and members return to prior assignments.
  • Reformation: In rare cases of significant casualties, a task force may be disbanded and possibly reconstituted under a new mandate if its capabilities are still required.
Military Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

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