Falport Settlement in The Orb | World Anvil
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About ten centuries ago, the city of Freetown was founded on the banks of what was then known as the Inland Bay.
  Originally settled as Freetown on the shores of the Inland Bay (now the Bay of St. Ignatius) by people escaping long forgotten oppressors – the early founders sought to establish a new community where one had the freedom to live their life as they best saw fit and worship the deity (or deities) of their choosing…provided, of course, that you were the right type of people and your beliefs were of an acceptable type. You have to have standards.
  Freetown built a port to support trade along the rivers that fed into and flowed out of the Inland Bay. This port developed over years and the prosperity of the port saw the town's name gradually shift to Freeport to reflect this (Year 274 Year of the Lurid Yak).
  In the year 281 (The Year of the Supine Stoat), an individual name Ignatius rolled into town and was, in short time, martyred – four times. St. Ignatius is a topic all by himself, so this portion of the history will be short.
  In 303 (Year of the Agnostic Mantis), after much debate and fisticuffs, it was by a very minority decision (who had the very larger fists) that the Inland Bay should be renamed the Bay of St. Ignatius. Ignatius had not formally been canonized by any of the Orb's major (or minor) religions, but eventually religion gave in to popular habit.
  A conflagration burned most of Freeport to ash (and bent nails) in 412 (Year of the Conjoined Halibut) after St. Ignatius Day celebrations get out of control and a burning 30 foot effigy of St. Ignatius collapsed into an adjacent candle factory.
  A conflagration burned most of Freeport to ash (and, again bent nails) in 471 (Year of the Flightless Lynx) after St. Ignatius Day celebrations get out of control when a burning 45 foot effigy of St. Ignatius collapsed into an adjacent lamp oil warehouse. Within the year, candle factories and lamp oil warehouses are banned within the city.
  In the year 515 (Year of the Emancipated Ox), an Orbquake shook the city of Freeport and surrounding areas. The southern edge of the Inland Bay dropped many feet, destroying much of the city. The disaster also created a large waterfall (in time to become known as St. Ignatius' Water) which, in turn, created a small lake below the cliffs edge (later monikered Blackwater Bay, or The Gazunda). The city of Freeport collapsed into lawlessness and violence for many years and very soon became known as Fellport (officially recorded in the year 526, Year of the Albino Zebra).
  The sudden descent of the lower edge of the Bay of St. Ignatius exposed much of what Fellport had been built on – which is to say, layers of Freeport and Freetown.
  601 (Year of the Tainted Sheep) saw the arrival of the Savior of Fellport, a beholder of the name Rathrarsar, that floated into town and devoured or disintegrated anyone who strayed too close. The Savior enslaved the population and had a tower erected in the middle of the edge of the great waterfall; a lair that was well protected from dangers of its surrounding populous by the rushing water of St. Ignatius' Water.
  The arrival of the Savior galvanized Fellport into a community unified against a common cause (602 Year of the Tainting Shepherd, which just coincidentally, followed the Year of the Tainted Sheep). As history had shown, the unification of the City of Fellport can mean only one thing…someone is getting staked to the ground and burned (alive or otherwise, refer to the history of St. Ignatius). Thus endeth the tale of the Savior of Fellport.
  In 603 (Year of the Enraged Octopus) a 50 foot burning effigy of St. Ignatius toppled into a brandy distillery while being carried through the city during St. Ignatius Day festivities, resulting in widespread destruction in the Lower District. Obviously no one would tolerate banning distilleries in the city, so it was decried that future effigies could only be burned inside the city of they were less than 15 feet in height.
  In year 604 (Year of the Tainted Abomination…the early seventh century was big on the "taint", at least figuratively), Fellport elected a council to govern the port city. Following surprisingly rapid restoration and reconstruction of the fallen city, the citizens decided that, in recognition of the magnificent waterfall (that, oddly enough seemed to be higher than that previously recorded in the city's history) that flowed through the heart of the city, the name of Fallport better suited the rapidly growing community.
  With trade reestablished, it soon became apparent that the waterfall and the adjacent cliffs represented a serious impediment to further economic growth. Engineers were employed to develop a means by which boats and carts could be transported between the upper and lower sections of the city.
  A system of elevators powered by St. Ignatius' Water and a system of counterweights was developed to raise and lower boats and carts across the one-hundred foot change in elevation. In the fifty years it took to construct what were finally called "watervators", it was realized that the lower portion of Fallport had been sinking for centuries and was continuing to sink. The design of the system was altered to accommodate the ever increasing elevation change.
  In 722 (Year of the Venerated Squirrel), the construction of the watervators was finally complete, and goods and gold flowed up and down St. Ignatius' Water with a volume that nearly rivaled the flow of water itself.
  From the increased wealth, and the new population it drew, sprang many organizations that now serve as the backbone of this grand city. The Legion was established in 725 (Year of the Somber Hyena), originally to serve as a militia in the city's defense. In 728 (Year of the Flatulent Goat), the College of the Arcane & Occult was founded, and it's magical Tower of Science erected in a single day. The long abandoned tower of the Savior was converted into the Temple of the One True Gods in the year 737 (Year of the Reciprocating Clam).
  The Conservancy, previously a loose band of granola-eating layabouts that squatted in a forested area on the banks of the Bay of St. Ignatius, managed to organize in 742, the Year of the Turgid Carrot (although no one really noticed until 745).
  Finally, in 801, the Adventurer's Guild was founded to regulate sword-swinging and spell-slinging activities in the city so as to protect the citizenry from the dangers of friendly fire.
  In 937 (Year of the Emaciated Ocelot), The Circle of Five was formally established as the ruling agency of Fallport; this wasn't much of a change as most of the sitting council members were the heads of the five organizations making up the Circle: the Adventurer's Guild, the Legion, the College of the Arcane & Occult, the Temple of the One True Gods, and the Conservancy. Also present, although not invited, was an individual representing the less…legitimate concerns in Fallport.
  The day following the establishment of the Circle of Five, the Circle voted to drop one "L" from the city's name to save on printing costs. Welcome to Falport, City of a Thousand Bewilderments!


Governed by the Circle of Five and the Falport Parliament.


  • Falport Vicinity
  • City of Falport

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