The Gun-Man Profession in The Offenders' Neighborhood | World Anvil

The Gun-Man

The Gun-Man can be one of the more "fun" roles in the mafia team. The Gun-Man has various talents, but his most famous is being able to shoot a glass bottle at fifty paces away. He's known for being able to perform a lot of party tricks with a gun, but is also known for being a deadly shot in any situation.



The Gun-Man is used for being a Sniper or Look-Out on missions. He can also be a backup bodyguard if The Fighter is out of commission. The Gun-Man is also in charge of weaponizing everyone on the team. He is in charge of taking care of his own personal weapon and making sure the other weapons used by the team are up to snuff as well.



The Gun-Man will typically use a gun, but he can also use whatever other weapon he wants. A knife, a mace, or a bayonet, are all possible weapons for a Gun-Man.

Dangers & Hazards

The main hazard a Gun-Man faces is getting shot.


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