Session 5: There's Dungeons and There's Dragons Report in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Session 5: There's Dungeons and There's Dragons

General Summary

See the old Dragon from his throne
Sink with enormous ruin down!
The Adventuring Party sets out from their manor, traversing the foggy streets of Wittering towards the Spire with a map they newly found during the clean-up. Sadly, this map did not have street names on it, nor were all roads as clearly marked as they would've wanted. Suck it up, that'll teach you to use random maps found in old mansions.Just wander around blindly like normal people.
I digress. They set out, and after making their way through a bit of a roadblock cause by a broken cart filled with building supplies, as well as expertly being led through the Nests by Oda, they come upon the Warrens. The Warrens are clearly not the best area around, bolts pinned in doorposts and broken arrows lying around, old blood sometimes visible on the streets, the once fairly fancy houses fallen to ruin long since, all with this spire of stone towering 200 feet above the nearest hill. They decide to set out and investigate the conflict first. They seek out a kobold shopkeep, whom they supremely manage to talk to by way of buying his grubs. The Kobolds have been besieging the tower for a while under leadership of Yusdrayl, who even took their dragon Calcryx with them to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.
They also seek out a Goblin.. real estate agent. Let's go with that. They sadly do not want to buy the ruin they found it cowering in, but they do ever so kindly and with magic suggest for him to help them. Sadly, the goblin does not know an awful lot, only blabbering something about a Voidface.
They finally set upon the Spire itself, finding two sets of stairs: one leading up to the top of the spire, the other down into the dark. Opting to check out the top first in hopes of finding an entrance they climb, sadly only finding rats, a handful of coins, and a pretty view. Down they go, into the depths, where they come upon a cavernous chasm, in which the walls of the higher floors of a citadel are still visible. The stairs lead them upon the top of a battlement, the citadel supposedly having sunk away into the ground and running deeper still.
They spot a trap, carefully avoid it, and enter the tower. Here they find four older Goblin corpses, one still speared to one of the walls with a Kobold spear. Oda and her hawk eyes also spot the faint outlines of a hidden door in the wall. Pushing a stone opens the door, as well as triggers a needle trap of which the poison long since dried up. Inside, however, the skeletons were very much active still.
Following a bit of a skirmish they set out down the southern door in the tower, finding a partially collapsed room with a carved dragon-shaped door on one wall. They can't get it open, so they opt for another door into a hallway. One door is similarly locked, but the next one reveals a large room with brazier and broken cage. It also reveals the shivering bundle of rags that is Meepo. Meep was the clans Keeper of Dragons, but the goblins stole their dragon. He's agreed to take the Adventuring Party to Yusdrayl.
Report Date
17 Sep 2019
Primary Location
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