Magic within the Obscured Seas Physical / Metaphysical Law in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Magic within the Obscured Seas

Magic once consisted of the Weave, a theoretical fabric that enveloped the land before the Obscuring. Spellcasters are essentially masters of the Weave, able to rearrange it in such a way through their arcane arts that the effects would be visible in the material world as well. It is said that the Weave was too the body of Mystra, greater deity of all magic. Those who study the art of altering the Weave are called wizards, whereas those with innate talent to alter the Weave are called sorcerers.
Following the Obscuring, the Weave itself has become distorted, tangled by its own threads. Considering the intricate and far-reaching effects of the Weave, this too has a large effect on the world as is. These tangles result in three different phenomena.
  • Dead Magic Zones
    Zones in which magic largely halts working are called Dead Magic zones. Spellcasting is technically still possible within these, but it is much more difficult due to what is surmised to be a complete absence of the Weave. Whereas still relatively rare, these zones are of the utmost danger to anyone relying on the arcane for their survival.
  • Wild Magic Zones
    Zones in which the Weave is overly abundant, resulting in magic leaking when altering the Weave. Spellcasting is possible within these zones with the same effort it takes in normal areas, but arranging the Weave carries with it risks. Following the rearranging of the Weave, additional magic seeps out, resulting in all manners of different and rather unpredictable effects.
  • Knots in the Weave
    These so called Knots refer to specific, often smaller areas in which spellcasting or other events have left their mark. These Knots in the Weave can result in permanent alterations of certain rules within the area of effect. An example of this would be the Moonlit Court, a small court in which gravity halts within a limited area upon moonlit nights, following the destruction wrought by the attempted escape of a wild mage fugitive.


Oddly grim visualization of spells, reflecting the land and its inhabitants. Whereas a Mage Hand spell would normally display a floating hand, it takes on a skeletal appearance within the borders of Barovia.
Wittering is a patchwork of Dead Magic zones, Wild Magic zones, and other knots within the Weave. It is surmised that the source of these disturbances of the Weave originate from the Beacon outside its harbour.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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