Ismark Kolyanovich Character in the Obscured Seas | World Anvil
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Ismark Kolyanovich

Ismark Kolyanovich (a.k.a. Ismark the Lesser)

I have a duty to this cursed place, but that does not mean that I will sit by idly while my sister is taken by that monster.

Ismark is the son of Kolyan Indirovich, the later Burgomaster of Barovia (village). Ismark isn't the typical dour Barovian, instead more upbeat and prone to action. He has requested the party to escort Ireena Kolyana to Vallaki in the hopes of safeguarding her from Strahd von Zarovich. He since returned to Barovia (village) to take up his duty as the new Burgomaster.
Current Location
Year of Birth
953 AO 29 Years old
Ruled Locations

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