Lord Kaiser Character in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Lord Kaiser

Lord Kaiser Arthur Fulminatrix (a.k.a. The Thunder King)

The venerated ruler of the Thunder Kingdom, Lord Kaiser is the glue which keeps the kingdom together.

Divine Domains

Thunder and Sky

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An extremely fit and decently built man. While not being the tallest, or largest, he is the most athletic of his companions. One of the best swordsmen the known world has seen.

Body Features

Lord Kaiser carries more than a few scars and most notably is missing his left eye.

Identifying Characteristics

The eye patch over his left eye, his sword on the right to make it easier for his opponents, and a maroon cape.

Physical quirks

The King is right handed and often fiddles with his sword hilt. He has a habit of making dramatic entrances with his cape.

Apparel & Accessories

Lord Kaiser can be often seen in his royal robes, which are simple and unassuming. Even his crown, the crown of swords is a simple piece, blades of steel wrought upon his head.

Specialized Equipment

Upon lord Kaiser's right hip is a kriegsmesser, and once upon a time, a mandolin would have been strapped to his back.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lord Kaiser unified the kingdoms of the Crossroad Realm against the coalition of the south. Dukes Comilla and Yokotake were the first to join the new kingdom, becoming the Thunder King's favored enforcers. Quickly, the others would fall into line under Lord Kaiser. Though Duke Comilla's tactics preserved much of their armies, few veteran officers survived the reunification.
The Crimson Guard and the Dusk Raider legions would donate officers to the newly conquered kingdoms' armies, but the deficiency was still glaring. With his unified kingdom, Lord Kaiser began his crusade to close the Northern Gates (which were ironically located in the south). Now, he leads his armies against the southern coalition, though he spends more time keeping his generals in line.
Lord Kaiser's history before he claimed his birthright is relatively unknown. There are many rumors, but it is not wise to believe everything you hear.


The King's education is relatively unknown, but it is common knowledge that he is one the finest warriors and swordsman the land has ever seen. His tactics on the battlefield are simple, but effective. He is a capable commander and renowned statesman, often writing and weaving straight through the dull nobles at court.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As previously stated, Lord Kaiser unified the northern kingdoms through mostly force. His lighting campaign to close the Northern Gates in the south is well remembered. He has gained many allies for the kingdom, and under his rule the economy has flourished. Morale is at all time high.

Failures & Embarrassments

The King's failures are not many. They are not often spoken of, but when they are he is quick to admit his faults and learn from them. His tactics and strategy on the field as well as in the courts has greatly improved with the help of his loyal advisers and wife.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lord Kaiser is quite friendly and decently charismatic. He is also fairly intelligent, but requires astute advisers as he can be a little too trusting.

Morality & Philosophy

Lord Kaiser has been many a time compared to the likes of King Arthur by those in his court and generally paints himself in a good light.


Do not insult his children. Bad idea.

Personality Characteristics


Lord Kaiser strives to end all conflict and unify the realm. Peace and prosperity is his goal. He is helping to keep the gods alive and shelter them from the darkness.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A decent general and a good statesman. The best of fighters, and the only proper choice to be king. As bad as he is, and as much as he hates his job.

Likes & Dislikes

Lord Kaiser loves his family and his companions. He cares deeply for the men under his command and all of the subjects under his rule. He would die for them. His horses and dogs are his best friends and when times are hard he can be often found practicing his swordsmanship.

Personality Quirks

Makes a face when not wanting to be in a situation. He does not like many situations.


He is King. 'Nuf said.


Contacts & Relations

Lord Kaiser is a friend to all but there are a few notable relations. (That I will do later cause that kinda means everyone.)

Family Ties

Lord Kaiser has a wife and three daughters. His family beyond that were Dukes and Duchesses that were related to the last high king of the north. They dissipated from the sphere of influence until recently.

Religious Views


Social Aptitude

Charismatic enough to be king. Not the best, but the person there be not riots in the streets over.

Hobbies & Pets

The King has 15 mastiffs and 10 horses. The king keeps very quite on his personal time.


Sottish Accent

Wealth & Financial state

He is the King. He has the royal treasury. He is as wealthy as the kingdom is. And let me tell you, the kingdom is doing fiiiiine.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good (Chaotic Good)
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The High King
The Hero of the North
The Thunder King
The Blademaster
Year of Birth
1 BY 998 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Current Residence
Körn del Rìghan
Light Green with streaks of yellow. Sometimes appears grey.
Long and light brown. Wavy if down, normally braided back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, slightly tan.
5' 3"
195 lb
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I stand because no one else will."
"Prepare to charge"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype
Kai Johnson

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