Duke Comilla Character in The Northern Gates | World Anvil
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Duke Comilla

This felt masturbatory

Kona wrote this. Hi. Yes, I know how this looks.

Duke Kona Mateo Comilla (a.k.a. The Praetorian)

From a young age, Kona Comilla was recognized for his intelligence and creativity. If fate allowed it, he might've grown to be a veterinarian, living the rest of his life happily tending to injured animals. Fate, however, had other plans. Duke Comilla is the general of the famed Crimson Guard and the finest strategist fielded by the Kingdom of Thunder.
Formerly the king of the sovereign Crimson Kingdom, Duke Comilla is the greatest of the Dukes in the realm of battle. The Crimson Guard has earned a fearsome reputation under his watchful eyes, a reputation of blood and zeal. In fact, the Guard have become known as the King's Praetorians due to how often they fight beside Lord Kaiser. Despite his genius in battlefield tactics, however, Duke Comilla can only work cooperatively with few other Dukes. His crass and blunt demeanor often earns him the scorn of adjacent commanders, while his fierce pride ensures that the word "sorry" rarely leaves his mouth.
Despite these shortcomings, Duke Comilla is responsible for a string of decisive victories across multiple theaters, including some of the most important victories to the Kingdom.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Duke Comilla is a robust man. He is easily one of the tallest men in the royal retinue, though not as large as Sir Noah the Large. Duke Comilla, having been a member of the Crimson Crosses, is a fine warrior on his own. He is well built, though neither agile nor stealthy.

Body Features

From years of service in the Crimson Crosses, Duke Comilla's body is covered in scars. These scars are reminders of injuries healed with potions, rather than by magic.

Identifying Characteristics

Duke Comilla has a birthmark on the right side of his head, just at his hairline.

Physical quirks

Duke Comilla is left-handed and holds his sword as such. He prefers a one-handed style, and fights defensively until his opponent makes a mistake. In addition, he takes quite large strides when walking, and his attention will often wander while he walks.

Special abilities

While he has no special powers, Duke Comilla is an apt strategist and a brilliant tactician. His methods are often unpredictable and unorthodox. Duke Comilla rarely finds himself in defeat, as he will not commit to a battle that he cannot win. A weakness this brings, however, is that he cannot be everywhere at once. Often, less skilled strategists will fill his role and lose every gain he made.

Apparel & Accessories

Duke Comilla wears the uniform of a man he befriended while cast through a Northern Gate. While he doesn't know what the uniform symbolizes, nor what the man fought for, the man died a hero and Duke Comilla seeks to honor him by wearing it. Also, the uniform is, in his words, "fancy and snazzy." In addition to this, he wears a cowboy hat with a yellow flower tucked into it. The flower was a gift from his Goddess, and acts as his connection to her.

Specialized Equipment

Duke Comilla's command retinue operate a World War 2 era Panzer VI called "Tiger 351." This Tiger is operated by a mage within the vehicle, as nobody aboard actually knows how it works. Still, it offers unparalleled protection and speed, and its cannon makes an excellent vessel for the mage's battle spells.
The Mark of Balance is a symbol of the patronage of the Goddess of Balance. For Duke Comilla, this comes in the form of a yellow flower he tucks into his hat, his connection to his patron goddess. While marked, Duke Comilla can control his bloodthirst and seek guidance from her holiness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Duke Comilla's early life was uneventful. He was raised in what is now the Crimson Kingdom by Adina and Peter Comilla. During his forth year of college, he became afflicted with the bloodthirst, and was approached by the Crimson Crosses. He joined the holiest order as a witch hunter and quickly climbed through the ranks alongside his peers. As he continued his education, he remained a loyal soldier of the Crimson Crosses, eventually graduating veterinarian school and being promoted to Crimson Cross master. Duke Comilla eventually led a coup against Grand Master Garcias, aided by a friend within the order. With the death of the Grand Master, Kona took on the title of Grand Master and formed the Crimson Kingdom.


Duke Comilla is a certified domestic veterinarian, and were it not for the bloodthirst, may have become a vet instead of a military commander. What a waste of potential. Additionally, he was trained as a witch hunter by the Crimson Crosses, and has limited training in the combat of demons.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Duke Comilla is responsible for a string of decisive victories, many of which were considered impossible until he disproved these claims. Additionally, he makes efficient use of any equipment he is given. He's gained such a reputation for maximum efficiency and minimum casualties that his legion has become the de facto supplier of hardened veterans for elite units.

Failures & Embarrassments

Duke Comilla, while a brilliant commander, has no sense of diplomacy. His crass, blunt nature makes him a poor politician and has resulted in him being unpopular with the higher echelons of the Thunder Kingdom. Often, it falls to Lord Kaiser to clean up the political fallout of Duke Comilla's actions.

Mental Trauma

Because of his time in the Crimson Crosses, Duke Comilla is afflicted with the bloodthirst. Lord Kaiser has managed to help him control it, but he still requires that he lead missions personally and it just makes him moody and mean sometimes.

Intellectual Characteristics

Duke Comilla is extremely intelligent. He is exceptionally quick to recall and process information making him an apt leader. These skills, however, do not translate to social aptitude.

Morality & Philosophy

Duke Comilla, a devout zealot, is willing to set his morals aside in the name of his Goddess. Otherwise, Duke Comilla is quite restrained for a Crimson Cross. He rarely uses extreme tactics and often keeps collateral damage to a minimum, though, these are for purely calculated reasons rather than from compassion.

Personality Characteristics


Duke Comilla fights for King Fulminatrix out of personal loyalty and pride. He takes great pride in his strategic mind and this pride is only stoked with each victory.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Kona is an esteemed strategist, able to command units on multiple fronts with efficiency and skill. However, he is a difficult man to get along with and requires a liaison when dealing with allied forces to prevent diplomatic catastrophes.

Likes & Dislikes

Kona likes dogs, strategy, and his hat.
Additionally, he has grown quite fond of the soldiers serving under him.
He dislikes prolonged social engagements and other people.

Virtues & Personality perks

Duke Comilla is quick to action, intelligent, and perceptive. He is also a fair leader and is beloved by his legion.

Vices & Personality flaws

He is, however, also petty and crass. When spited, the size of the infraction does not matter to the Praetorian. If the individual responsible attempts to correct their mistake, Duke Comilla will often forgive them and tell them not to do it again. If they do not, no matter how small, he will seek retribution. This often takes the form of summary execution or deployment in a "death company."
Additionally, thanks to the bloodthirst, Duke Comilla can be temperamental and moody if he has not killed someone in a while. If you thought he would lash out at petty grievances before, you should see him when the thirst takes over.
Also, he's an alcoholic. lol

Personality Quirks

When anxious, Duke Comilla will run a hand through his hair. Additionally, he has a habit of fidgeting with whatever he is holding.


Though not specifically hygienically inclined, Duke Comilla is also not particularly unhygienic. He believes that poor hygiene also leads to poor unit efficiency and enforces codes of conduct for his men.


Contacts & Relations

Lord Kaiser is a personal friend of Duke Comilla. He highly respects Lord Kaiser, and will heed his commands, unlike most. Additionally, Duke Comilla's Crimson Guard often fight at the king's side, earning Duke Comilla the title of the King's Praetorian.
Duke Yokotake is also a friend of Duke Comilla. The Crimson Guard and Dusk Raiders have a friendly rivalry, and the generals of these legions are no exception.
Duke Comilla gave the title "the Petulant" to Sir Christian. This speaks volumes about his opinion of the knight.

Family Ties

Duke Comilla's family consists only of his two sisters, both of whom remain in the Crimson Kingdom. Though their relationship can be strained at times, Kona strongly values family and therefore will not abandon his sisters, even if he spites them at times.

Religious Views

Duke Comilla is a disciple of the Goddess of Balance. He venerates the Goddess and in unquestioning in his faith.

Social Aptitude

Duke Comilla is borderline hostile whenever speaking. He will often scrutinize others when speaking, and is almost insulting if not outright so. When on his best behavior, he is quiet and reserved, though he rarely is.
When drunk, however, Duke Comilla is friendly and socially well adjusted. He is considered exceptionally likable in this state, as a contrast to when he is sober.


One of the more eccentric Dukes, Kona's words are often sardonic and dripping with sarcasm. This can range from friendly mockery to outright personal attacks, though the line between the two is ill defined at best. Sometimes, it seems like everything is a joke to him, as even when he is being serious, there always seems to be a punchline. He is quick to berate others' failings and praise his own legion's success. Despite this, he can be kind, especially to those serving under him or personal friends.

Hobbies & Pets

Kona enjoys drawing and painting, and these hobbies occupy much of his free time. Otherwise, he will obsess over tactical and strategic briefings for days on end, and enjoying every second of it.


Kona is engaging when speaking, though can easily find himself off topic. He makes heavy use of phrases such as "neat" or "fancy" as compliments, and "garbo" as an insult. He has a wide range of vocabulary, but still utilizes elementary school-esq phrases such as "bean water" for coffee, or "psychers" for mages. Additionally, he will occasionally use erroneous titles, such as calling the king "Emperor" or plague doctors as "beakies." Nobody knows why he does this. It's weird.

Wealth & Financial state

Duke Comilla, while wealthy, often spends his money quite quickly. Often, this takes the form of bribes, investments, or the replacement of equipment. Another large portion of his funds are sent back to the Crimson Kingdom, to be added to the vault. The rest he either drinks away or uses on wagers.
Lawful Neutral (Chaotic Neutral)
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Duke of the Thunder Kingdom
Grand Master of the Crimson Crosses
High Lord of the Crimson Kingdom
The King's Praetorian
General of the Crimson Guard Legion
Current Residence
Tiger 351
Black, short
250 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Relieve them of their weapons and take positions. Tell his majesty the castle's his."
"Survivors!? Hah! There were no survivors!"
"What are you looking at? I like the fucking hat."
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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