The nightlight zone The End of Cave Stalker Civilization
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The End of Cave Stalker Civilization

Disaster / Destruction

3230 BC

The Watchers carry out a series of natural disasters, plagues, and direct attacks, in order to prevent the Cave Stalkers advancing and eventually escaping the Nightlight Zone. It takes several centuries, but eventually, the last permanent settlements are destroyed, and most traces of their existence along with them. Because Cave Stalkers are adaptable, some survive the apocalypse, and adopt a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to survive.

Soon after the discovery of the entrance chutes to the Nightlight Zone, the Watchers first kill the parties that discovered them in an attempt to keep news of their discovery from spreading. The Cave Stalkers noticed how many individuals were suddenly missing as a result, and the Watchers inevitably had to resort to more direct means of preventing their "escape." They began by increasing the frequency of quakes, and targeted the wealthiest cities in the Nightlight Zone. The quakes quickly caused hundreds of causalities.

But the Cave Stalkers were rebuilding, and the Watchers then released plagues with high mortality rates, deciding to simply genocide the Cave Stalkers as quickly as possible. The plagues were apparently more effective at killing off the Cave Stalkers, but some were immune to the diseases. After the most powerful cities were destroyed, and the population was withered down, the Watchers began direct attacks, clearing most environments of the Cave Stalkers themselves. It was then they also voiced their intentions, possibly as a desperate means of intimidation.

The Watchers' plan however, was not completely foolproof, and they risked destroying the rest of the Nightlight Zone along with the Cave Stalkers due to the environmental disasters. The Cave Stalkers were then fleeing towards their ancestral home, the Halocline Pits, where they would survive in a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, as living in permanent settlements was not an option any longer. The species lost their domesticated plants, abandoned writing practices, and slowly forgot their history altogether. The Watchers tolerated this way of life, and ceased all attacks.

Related Location
The Halocline Pits
Related timelines & articles
A Broad History of the Nightlight Zone