Sobek Explorer Submarine Vehicle in The Nightlight Zone | World Anvil
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Sobek Explorer Submarine

The Sobek Explorer Submarine is a two-person ocean vehicle, specially crafted for exploration purposes, as the name might imply. The submarine features a powerful propellor designed to give maximum maneuverability, comfortable seats up front, an easy grip helm for convenient steering, and an interior moon pool for easy access in and out.

Power Generation

This submarine recharges through a solar panel on the top of the main body, right behind the entry hatch. When the vehicle is underwater, the panel is covered with a thick metal plate to protect it from the water outside. When docked above the surface of the water, the plate can slide back, revealing the solar panel underneath.


The Sobek sub's main method of propulsion is the large propellor found on the vehicle's backside, but it has four other, smaller propellors. Two of these propellors sit on top of the ballast tanks, and serve as a way for the sub to propel itself backward, or give it extra speed forward. The two other propellors are found behind these two, and are positioned vertically to allow the sub to travel up and down, combined with the ballast tanks filling with water or air to control the sub's buoyancy.

Armor and defense

This submarine is made of an extremely durable metallic hull that is virtually indestructible. Even the glass dome on the front is rarely subjected to breakage. The only things that could damage these submarines beyond repair would be surpassing their maximum depth, or by hypothetically getting caught in a large enough storm and thrown onto dry land.

There is also the threat of some of the more aggressive creatures in the Nightlight Zone, which can be fairly easily provoked.

Communication Tools & Systems

Later models of the sub have a speaker system inside of them for communicating with other vessels. They function in the same way as a walkie talkie, where someone presses a button to activate the speaker, and then speaks into the speaker, where the sound is then carried to other vessels.


Sobek subs are equipped with a depth meter near the control box, as well as sonar for sensing the environment, which is then displayed on a small interior screen.

Additional & auxiliary systems

One of the prime features of this submarine is a compact moon pool built into the floor behind the seats, purposed to give access to the water outside. This moon pool is covered by a bulkhead, which can only stay open for so long. If the hatch is left open long enough, the moon pool's airlock system will be overpowered by the water outside, and the sub will flood. It's for this reason that at least one person must remain inside the vehicle at all times to allow others in and out.

Other minor support systems include the headlights on the ballast tanks, which can shine for up to ten feet in front of the vehicle, as well as the storage compartments on the interior walls.

Hangars & docked vessels

On both sides of the submarine, there are sharp metal hooks that can latch onto a Water Sled, providing extra storage just for them.
Sobek Sub
Owning Organization
17 ft.
10 ft.
18,000 lbs
20 mph
Complement / Crew
Pilot, passenger
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
2 people (3 if they can squeeze in the back)
Max Depth
1,500 m

Battery Life
15 hrs.

Min. Charge Time
5 hrs.

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Cover image: by NTNU


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