Minotaur Names Myth in The New World | World Anvil
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Minotaur Names

This letter is merely to inform you of some of the names that the minotaur use. I will separate them into male and female.


Jasen, Perses, Patroklis, Priem, Biran, Kevin, Jason, Giorno,   Female Madea, Andromeda, Helan, Britney, Amalia, Illustriel, Tiffany, Michelle,

Cultural Reception

Minotaur take their names from those that supported their heroes (historical accuracy not guaranteed). It appears that there are names from elves, humans, dwarves, and tabaxi among others that aren't minotaur. This troubles me, as we have yet to make contact with any inhabitants of the New World that resemble any from Ervelust.
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