Cubzero Species in The New World | World Anvil
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The saliva in Cubzero’s mouth freezes at an early age, forming sharp, icy fangs that will never melt. If shattered, new ones will freeze in mere hours. This young form of the Owai Avalynx will accompany its avalynx mother as it learns to hunt for itself.

Basic Information


Avalynx is a medium sized feline covered with thick steely hair. Saliva consistently drips down its mouth freezing into sharp pronounced teeth. When broken, these teeth can be regrown in a matter of hours. It's broad paws allow it to traverse snow while barely leaving a trace or print.

Biological Traits

Avalynx is a medium sized feline covered with thick steely hair. Saliva consistently drips down its mouth freezing into sharp pronounced teeth. When broken, these teeth can be regrown in a matter of hours. It's broad paws allow it to traverse snow while barely leaving a trace or print.

Genetics and Reproduction

As all Cubzeros are not yet mature, they cannot reproduce until they metamorphose into Avalynx

Growth Rate & Stages

In the early stages of life, Avalynx will live as Cubzero, until it undergoes metamorphosis into it's final form. Avalynx are then at a stage of maturity   At first, new born cubzeros are blind and must suckle form their mothers for the first several months. their eyes open as a dark blue which lighten over time. As they grow older and stronger, they grow in stature. Cubzeros are then abandoned when they transform into Avalynx.

Ecology and Habitats

Avalynx lives in the colder regions of the Newman's Valley highlands. These regions include the high peaks and the glacial sheets that dot the highlands.   Avalynx take a primary role as intermediate predator of these colder regions of the highlands, hunting down local Swinubs, Skiddos, and other smaller mammals that it may encounter.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Cubzero will nurse form its mother in its early months, however it will consume an increasing amount of meat until it metamorphoses; up to a half pound per day.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Geographic Origin and Distribution


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Strong sense of hearing
  • Low-light Vision
Thanks to the creators of the fan game "Pokemon Sage!" They've got some great work!
30 years
Average Height
1-2 feet

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