The Gorge Geographic Location in The Musthave Wastelands | World Anvil
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The Gorge

Raagh, damn it, damn it, damn it. Dim Spark was supposed to make the jump, but he fell in, like every other brain warped Boy I send! I need to jump the Gorge, don't you fucking people get it, the Chrome wants me to get over it! I don't care that the damn thing's 'oh so wide Brother', I know there has to be some Idol in the Musthave that can get us over there and so does the Chrome. If I can't get over there, the next step in the Chrome's great plan will die, and it's efforts to save me in the Oasis will be wasted, and I'll have to tear all of your skulls out and beat you to death with them! Find me the damn Idol that can jump the Gorge, now! And you, *BLAM BLAM* shouldn't have wasted Dim Spark's Idol!   ~Brother Grunge, after another failed attempt to jump the Gorge


The Gorge is an enormous hole in the ground one, according to most Lore Keepers and the Remnants who've been asked, has been there since before the Final War. The Gorge itself spans an immeasurable amount of land, but many parts are sealed off by rubble, water, or angry Trog tribes. Despite this, it's one of the most beautiful places in the Musthave, with the flora and fauna mostly pristine on the far sides and going down. Not many come back to talk about this, however, as Brother Grunge has claimed control of the Gorge since his return from the Oasis, and has a strict no visitors policy; his attempts to jump it have also left many wrecks and stains on the sides of the Gorge's walls.

Fauna & Flora

All sorts of animals and plants roam the areas of the Gorge, though which ones specifically are unknown due to Grunge's wall of secrecy around it.

Natural Resources

As far as most can tell, the resources around the Gorge would be enough to support multiple Bartertowns and 'Steads, but fear of Brother Grunge's War band has kept everyone away who didn't want to join in.
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