Kí’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Rá’áyí Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Kí’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Rá’áyí (/ɔi-ri-ək/ /mo-ne/ /mo-ra-ɑɪ-i/)

The Six Major Conceptual Realms

Kí’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Rá’áyí, known as "The Six Major Conceptual Planes" (or simply "Six Greater Planes"), orbit at the outer boundary of The Multiverse of Maha with the various laws and concepts unable to be visited yet still impacting everything that happens within.   Unlike Ky’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Yáộsü and Ríộk ná’Mộlát, however, no one has ever been able to visit them and return - not even their souls return so literally nothing is known about them except their names and their influences upon the rest of the multiverse.   Kí’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Rá’áyí consists of the following planes:
Planar Sphere/Grouping

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