Mechanica Geographic Location in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Mechanica is the remnant of a once proud, highly advanced world. At the beginning of time, Mechanica was left isolated from the rest of the Multiverse in its own “time bubble”, which caused it to advance several millennia within the first few hours of the Multiverse’s existence. As such, this highly advanced realm did not know of magic, or of the other realms, until rejoining the proper time stream. In the wake of something called a “solar flare”, most of the world’s surface was left barren and inhospitable, with most of the inhabitant’s technology being destroyed or rendered useless. Now, the world is a perpetual desert, dotted with the remains of ancient cities and factories. Plants are scarce, save for the ones found in the sustenance gardens of the various communities.   Mechanica is believed to be the place of origin for the human race, and they continue to live here despite the post-apocalyptic conditions. Settlements of various sizes dot the landscape, most centered around a working well or factory. Humanity is the only one of the races to establish permanent roots in Mechanica.   Mechanica is ruled by System, a sentient Artificial Intelligence. It is the last of a race of being known as “computers” formerly common in pre-solar flare Mechanica. System is the last being to truly understand the old technology, and the only one to know how to build new ones. System keeps itself in power with a large force of humanoid constructs known as androids. Androids resemble armored humanoids with red highlights across their armor. Their sentience is unknown. The large vehicles of war used by the androids are confirmed to be autonomous.   The last “race” inhabiting Mechanica are known as cyborgs; humans integrated with System’s technology. Depending on what enhancements they have received, cyborgs are far more capable than both their automated and organic counterparts. They are widely mistrusted outside Mechanica, and even on their homeworld non-cyborgs are hesitant to trust them. The wastelands between settlements are inhabited by roving bands of humans known as Raiders; they are locked in a permanent war against System, believing it to be a tyrant. A few minor settlements have been conquered by the Raiders, which System allows to exist.   The solar flare that devastated Mechanica also mutated much of the wildlife, leading to organisms generally termed Deviants to roam the wastelands. Few of these brutes are identical, and all prey on anything they discover. Raiders hunt them, as they really are the only dependable food source found in Mechanica’s wastelands.   To combat the Raiders and Deviants, System has regular patrols through the wastelands, composed of Dropships, airborne craft carrying squads of androids; Spiders, four-legged hunters armed with multi-purpose weapons; and Crawlers, six-legged “tanks” usually accompanied by Spiders or androids.   Mechanica can be accessed through the Hub, opening into Transfer City, a large settlement created for the express purpose of trade with the other realms. It is noted that travel between settlements is highly discouraged by System, and outworlders traveling beyond Transfer City forfeit their lives if caught by System without special authority.
Alternative Name(s)
The Realm of Machines
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species

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