Cyborg Species in The Multiverse | World Anvil
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Basic Information


While genetically identical to baseline humans, Cyborgs have had parts of their bodies replaced with cybernetic prostheses. The nature and magnitude of these alterations varies between individuals, so there is no "average-looking" cyborg to describe.

Genetics and Reproduction

Totally identical to a human's. Prosthetic enhancement usually only granted to those that have stopped growing.

Ecology and Habitats

Many live in the deserted cities of Mechanica

Dietary Needs and Habits

Approximately the same as humans, though there are rumors of cyborgs so heavily modified to require solar collection panels to power their cybernetics.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As a rule, all Cyborgs are born in Mechanica before being altered.

Average Intelligence

Comparable to a human, but rumors persist of brain implants to increase intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Oftentimes significantly better than a human's due to cybernetic eye replacements.
80 years
Average Height
Average Weight
230 lbs
Geographic Distribution

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