Hart Species in The Mortal World | World Anvil
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Harts - Grand guardians of the Hantheer, holy symbols of the Speaker.

Basic Information


Harts are large, domesticated deer-elk hybrids that have been tamed for riding. They have a great variety in their appearances from a wide gene pool of ancestor deer.

Biological Traits

Harts will live until killed or their bonded partner dies. If not bonded, they will live around 1000 years. They normally stand about 9' to the tip of their antlers, and are about 1300 lbs.

Genetics and Reproduction

Sexual reproduction, gestation period of about 12 months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Harts reach adolescent after about 20 years, and adulthood at around 50 years. Once they reach adulthood, harts no longer shed their antlers unless injured.

Ecology and Habitats

Harts thrive in wooded and mountainous environments, though they have been bred to survive in many climates.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Strictly herbivores.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Herd animals separated by sex


As they were domesticated, harts' necks became more upright, their manes grew thicker and longer, and their legs grew thicker to support riders.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Harts are riding creatures, with some potential for pack use.

Facial characteristics

Narrow faces, horizontal eyes

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Harts are hyper aware of the Hantheer they bond with, and can step to their riders' aide through the folds of the worlds.
1000 years
Average Height
Average Weight
1300 lbs.
Average Physique
Lean, high builds with manes around neck and feathering on legs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Harts have a wide variety in gene possibility and can appear with patterns from deer, gazelle, antelope, elk, and reindeer.

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