Elder Spirits Organization in The Mortal World | World Anvil
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Elder Spirits

The Elder Spirits, the oldest religion, devotees to magic come to life at the centers of cities and woods alike.


There isn't really any structure to the Elder Spirits. Following them isn't religiously exclusive, and many follow a few spirits as well as the Spoken Truth.

Public Agenda

Peace, freedom of magic, a balance of civilization and nature.


The Elder Spirits have been recorded as far back as records go. Many of them appeared around Kalvari as the city was built, which led Kalmaran to follow the spirits for much of their history. It was only in modern history that the spirits were identified in other nations as well.

Mythology & Lore

The Elder Spirits aren't creators of the world, per say. They are the embodiment of magic come to life. Spirits appear where magic is strong, in the oldest tree in the woods, at the heart of a rich mine, at the center of a city where magic is strong. Within their domains, their powers are like that of gods, able to make and destroy as they please. It is fortunate that most of pacifistic and align with the wider morals of the land their domain formed in.   They are wild in nature though, and their morals can be grey, seeing long term gains over the mortal short term ones. It is dangerous to work with an Elder Spirit unchecked, but a partnership with them can lead to great prosperity.

Divine Origins

While Elder Spirits are international in their appearance, many formed around Kalvari and Kalmaran due to the natural draw of magic to the region. When Kalmaran arcanely terraformed their nation, the whole faith became more recognized as Elder Spirits began appearing on a grander scale.

Cosmological Views

The world was magic and then magic brought the world to life. Some things became the mundane, like mortals and trees and earth. Others were greater, but they could not take shape, like the Mortal World could not until enough time and magic collected together. So too when magic gathers enough in an area, one of these spirits will take shape.

Tenets of Faith

If it does not harm the world, then walk in peace.


Lives are valuable and should be saved. Nature should be preserved, but civilization should also endure with balance. All things have value.


Following the Elder Spirits means doing one's best to preserve nature and other lives, even when it costs oneself a setback in life. It means honoring the harvest and the cycle of the year, and always giving back to the earth when good deeds are done.


There are some witches who commune with the wilder spirits that come to the city to communicate the balance of the world. But there's no pure structure to the faith. If one wishes to be faithful, then one is.

Granted Divine Powers

Some Elder Spirits may lend their powers to followers, but this requires coming to know the spirit first and showing yourself as loyal to it.

Political Influence & Intrigue

While Kalmaran is officially a follower of the Spoken Truth, their history with the Elder Spirits also leads them to being self-proclaimed guardians of the earth and nature. Kalmaran has for centuries pushed at its borders to expand its terraforming efforts, believing that under their rule, magic, and in directly the spirits, would endure in true harmony.


Most sects that exist are purely because there are countless Elder Spirits in the Mortal World. Belief varies based on the Elder Spirits in an individual's life, what types of nature hold the most value, and whether an individual lives in the city or in more rural areas.
Religious, Pantheon
Alternative Names
Oldest Gods, Kalmaranian Gods, Wild Ones

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