Sundancer Species in The molten idea pit | World Anvil
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The beautiful birds of the south, known for the way their feathers catch the setting sun.

Basic Information


The Sundancer is a smaller bird, with a small beak for catching insects and wings formed to aid them in their quick aerial maneuvers.

Ecology and Habitats

Living along the south coast, the Sundancers make their nests out of small cracks in the rocks or other natural holes. Being master fliers they exploit the winds coming in from the sea to almost never having to flap their wings, keeping them airborne for long periods of time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sundancers eat almost all kinds of insects, but their favorites are the jewel bugs. Hunting after them at sunset and sunrise, when the bugs are easy to pick out thanks to their reflective shells.

Biological Cycle

The Sundancers are the most active at sunset and sunrise. Due to the relatively unchanging climate in the south, you don't see much change in their behavior, except around spring when it's mating season.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sundancers are extremely social and have been seen living in flocks of up to several hundred individuals.


While extremely rare to have, Sundancers are surprisingly easy to domesticate. The problem many potential pet owners faced before the ban is that a lonely Sundancer doesn't live for long. you have to have at least six individuals for them to truly belong. They also need ample space to fly around. A truly domesticated Sundancer can, however, stick around even without fencing. Today the only known person with pet Sundancers is the king, with his flock of 27 birds.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Their feathers were often used as decorations on clothing.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

To help them catch flying insects and avoid predators, Sundancers have excellent eyesight.
11 years
Conservation Status
The Sundancers were often hunted for their feathers, and the population shrank drastically until only a few hundred birds were left. A countrywide ban on all Sundancer products and severe punishments for hunters trying their luck has helped the population start getting back on their feet.
Average Weight
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sundancers range from a bloodred coat to a striking yellow. Often they have a darker color on their head, transitioning to a lighter towards the tips of their feathers and along their backs.

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Author's Notes

Hello! And thank you for reading my article!
This was made during the Summer Camp 2018 challenge. I won't be editing any of these to keep them for looking back on. That being said some I'm really not happy with, so I'll most likely put up an edited version at some point. If I do you will be able to find the link on the top of the page

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